Tag Archives: your employees

8 Tips to Better Business Blogging

May 7, 2014 | 3,092 views

Better Business Blogging

Better Business Blogging

Despite the trends we’ve seen in the world of Internet marketing, one tool that’s here to stay is blogging. By creating a company blog and providing content your audience wants to read, you brand yourself as an expert in your industry and attract new potential customers to your site.


But if you’re overwhelmed and don’t know what to start, never fear. This is your quick guide to starting and running your own business blog.



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Work Injuries from a Common Desk Job

October 3, 2013 | 6,140 views

Work Injuries

Work Injuries

Do you spend all day sitting at a desk? Have you taken a recent promotion requiring you to spend the bulk of your day in front of a computer screen? If so, you may be facing potential workplace injuries and have no idea of the risks you face every day. Those who spend a majority of the work day facing tired eyes, a sore back, swollen fingers and a pinched neck, know that this type of work environment can cause annoying work injuries and may not be all it’s cracked up to be.



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Is Employee Theft Affecting Your Small Business?

September 27, 2013 | 4,945 views

Employee Theft Hacking

Employee Theft Hacking

It’s no doubt that every small business owner or manager has either thought about, or had to deal with employee theft. It’s also not too far-fetched to believe that every employee has either had a “first time” stealing, or has come across an instance where the thought of “is it worth it to take this, and will I get caught?” has occurred.



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Simplify Your Employee Schedule – Online Scheduling Convenience

September 14, 2012 | 3,388 views

What if there were a simpler way to improve your office? Think about it. A miracle plan to boost efficiency, increase sales, lower costs, and ultimately increase the bottom line. How many headaches would this cure? Take a moment to imagine the many ways it could be done. Your list would most likely include strategies such as sell more, spend less,  and increase customers. You might find that these common efforts would produce great results. However, have you ever thought about changing the way you schedule employees in order to elevate your communication efforts to a higher level?



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How To Prepare Your Employee Schedule For A Workplace Emergency

September 11, 2012 | 14,113 views

Online Employee Scheduling

September is National Preparedness Month and ScheduleBase wants to know if you are prepared for an unexpected emergency in your office?  Do you know where to take cover if a tornado warning were issued?  Did you pay attention to your fire drill process in school?  These events, fortunately, are rare scenarios that only produce a small scare once in a great while and are either avoided or forgotten in most situations.

However, if you are a manager in your place of business, apply this same optimistic approach to your day-to-day outlook of scheduling your employees.  Are you comfortable with your process? How do you react when an employee needs a schedule change last minute?  Do you scramble and call each of your employees to see who is available?  Do you continue short-handed today and tomorrow?  How do you communicate the needs of your all-important employee work schedule to each one of your staff members?  Here is a quick list of tips to keep in mind when preparing your next employee schedule.

Make a Plan


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