Tag Archives: workplace

Avoiding Time Management Mistakes

December 5, 2013 | 5,805 views

Time Management

Time Management

Another year is close to an end and it’s time to recollect on the list of time management mistakes you created this past year. Do you have one? Is it lengthy? When was the last time you truly stopped to ask yourself, “How well do I manage my time?” Most of us continue, day by day, without second guessing our schedules or the way we blindly progress through a work day. Rather than “trying harder” or just doing the same thing over and over again, have you ever considered the fact that you may be overloaded and your time management is affecting you more than you know?


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Work Injuries from a Common Desk Job

October 3, 2013 | 6,140 views

Work Injuries

Work Injuries

Do you spend all day sitting at a desk? Have you taken a recent promotion requiring you to spend the bulk of your day in front of a computer screen? If so, you may be facing potential workplace injuries and have no idea of the risks you face every day. Those who spend a majority of the work day facing tired eyes, a sore back, swollen fingers and a pinched neck, know that this type of work environment can cause annoying work injuries and may not be all it’s cracked up to be.



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Is Employee Theft Affecting Your Small Business?

September 27, 2013 | 4,945 views

Employee Theft Hacking

Employee Theft Hacking

It’s no doubt that every small business owner or manager has either thought about, or had to deal with employee theft. It’s also not too far-fetched to believe that every employee has either had a “first time” stealing, or has come across an instance where the thought of “is it worth it to take this, and will I get caught?” has occurred.



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Is Your Management Style Causing Employee Stress?

September 23, 2013 | 8,337 views

Is Your Management Style Causing Employee Stress

Is Your Management Style Causing Employee Stress

Every small business manager has a management style, whether he or she knows what it is, or not. A manager’s approach on how to run an operation greatly affects employees’ motivation and willingness to buy into what is being advertised. The most effective managers have a unique ability to vary their styles depending on each employee’s knowledge and ability, the task at hand, time restrictions, and many other unforeseen factors. If you are a manager who has this fortunate skill, you will most likely win over your employees and inspire them to do their best at all times.


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Top Reasons Your Employees Quit Their Jobs

September 5, 2013 | 3,739 views

Why Employees Quit Jobs

Why Employees Quit Jobs

Did you have an employee quit today? Have you hired someone recently, only to receive an unexpected resignation letter a couple of months later? In 2013, where workers are conditioned to continually look for the next best opportunity, it’s almost inevitable for any type of business to lose their employees, leaving most managers scratching their heads.



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Reduce Young Employee Turnover Through Unique Incentives

August 29, 2013 | 9,933 views

Young Employee Turnover

Young Employee Turnover

Employee turnover is one of the biggest challenges faced by small businesses today. It can be an unnecessary cost and business owners try their best to eliminate these expenses by reducing turnover of younger employees on their schedules. However, month after month and year after year, most small businesses still see turnover from younger employees, many being teenagers, and have no answer on how to turn this expensive trend around. It’s no doubt that younger employees are taking on more responsibility and working harder than ever, whether to fulfill a need at home or for their own personal gain. As a manager, you need to avoid burnout of these same employees all while maintaining your current level of workplace productivity.


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An Efficient Workplace – Creative Tips to Avoid Blank Employee Stares

October 1, 2012 | 5,500 views


Creativity and Efficient Employees

How would you react if someone questioned the efficiency of your workplace? Are you defensive? Do you laugh? Perhaps you stop and think? The fact is it’s not what you’re told that matters, but how you react (to what you’re told) that will make a dramatic difference and increase workplace and employee efficiency.



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