Tag Archives: work schedule

Creating Your Schedule for Both Work and Life

May 24, 2017 | 2,029 views

Creating Your Schedule for Both Work and Life

Creating Your Schedule for Both Work and Life

If you’re like the bulk of working Americans, your schedule feels overwhelming and at times, out of control. It doesn’t have to be that way. Are you on the quest for work/life balance? We have a scheduling tactic that might help you make that dream a reality.


To start, create a schedule for your personal comprehensive calendar. On this, you’ll jot down everything you have planned in your life (and then some). This won’t only help eliminate confusion, but it’ll also help your overall well-being at work (and your employees’). Here’s how.


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Easy Employee Scheduling Software Now Shows Big Picture

May 12, 2014 | 4,408 views

Sample 3-Week Work Schedule

Sample 3-Week Work Schedule

ScheduleBase employee scheduling software gets a new 3- and 4-week view this week. These new views let users easily view past schedules, when preparing a work schedule, and make it easier to see further into the future. Customers have been asking to see more days on-screen and this will help make employee scheduling even easier for many of our users. Our goal is to make ScheduleBase the easiest way to schedule and communicate with your people without having to break the bank. Please keep the feedback coming. We love it! More exciting news coming soon…

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Summer Employee Scheduling with Parks & Recreation Software

June 21, 2013 | 3,892 views

Parks and Recreation Scheduling Software

Parks and Recreation Scheduling Software

Being active is not only fun, it is an important part of a healthy lifestyle that many seek out for the summer. As the summer season continues in full force, many Parks and Recreation Scheduling Departments have had to shift work schedules, accommodate numerous time off requests, fill last-minute scheduling voids, toggle full-time employee changes and hire many new part-time employees, all while struggling to find a way to effectively manage all of these required employee scheduling tasks.



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Frozen Yogurt Shop Schedules – Online Employee Scheduling With Flavor

October 10, 2012 | 4,941 views

Is choosing online employee scheduling software as easy as picking your favorite frozen yogurt flavor?


Choosing a flavor while visiting your local frozen yogurt shop and selecting the appropriate online employee scheduling program to schedule employees are somewhat instinctive. We have instincts for a reason and they work really well. The innate ability to make a snap decision when walking an assembly line full of flavorful frozen yogurt options is the difference between satisfying a sweet tooth and having a stomach void of emptiness. With this in mind, how many unsatisfied visits to a frozen yogurt shop have you been faced with lately? It’s probably close to zero. You obviously know your preferred flavor and that led you to the right decision.


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An Efficient Workplace – Creative Tips to Avoid Blank Employee Stares

October 1, 2012 | 5,500 views


Creativity and Efficient Employees

How would you react if someone questioned the efficiency of your workplace? Are you defensive? Do you laugh? Perhaps you stop and think? The fact is it’s not what you’re told that matters, but how you react (to what you’re told) that will make a dramatic difference and increase workplace and employee efficiency.



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ScheduleBase iPhone App Now Available – Online Employee Schedules

September 24, 2012 | 5,256 views


We are excited to announce that the ScheduleBase iPhone app is now available on iTunes. With the release of our new app, communicating online employee schedules from any iPhone is only a free click away. Get the app and you will be viewing your schedules instantly on your iPhone. To download the app, just follow us to iTunes. Checking your online employee schedules could not be easier or more convenient. Stay up-to-date with ScheduleBase and get the iPhone app today!


ScheduleBase Iphone App in Itunes



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Scheduling Software and Summer Fun?

August 3, 2012 | 3,537 views

Does scheduling software really go hand-in-hand with summer fun? We think it can!


What would you rather be doing on a beautiful summer day other than stuck in your office writing a work schedule by hand? Golfing, perhaps? Maybe some gardening? How about a long walk down by the water? We can think of a thousand things and bet you can too.


ScheduleBase online employee scheduling software can help you get your summer work schedules done quickly, saving you valuable time; time that you can spend doing other summer-time fun things. It’s simple and easy to use and communicates schedules and changes instantly!


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Employee Request Responses Now Delivered by Email and Text Message

December 21, 2011 | 3,381 views

Employees no longer have to log in to ScheduleBase to see if a manager has responded to a work schedule request. If a manager enters a message into an employee’s request, the employee will automatically receive an email, text message or both with the details of the message. For example, if John Smith enters a request, such as “I’d like today off,” his manager could enter “Approved” or “No problem” into the request and this information would be sent to John without him having to login to ScheduleBase. Schedule changes are still communicated to employees when the work schedule is posted. Employees are also notified if a requested has been deleted or marked as done.


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Managers Now Get Notifications by Email and Text Message

November 29, 2011 | 4,043 views

Managers no longer have to log in to ScheduleBase to see if employees have made special requests. If an employee makes a request, ScheduleBase automatically sends their manager an email and text message. The manager can simply log in to ScheduleBase to view the request and make the necessary schedule changes, if any. ScheduleBase simplifies the communication of work schedules, and now it helps managers stay more in touch with employee requests.


Thank you for using ScheduleBase as your online employee scheduling software! We hope you like the improvements we’ve made. Stay tuned for more enhancements coming soon to make employee scheduling and communication even easier.


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New Work Schedule Features for Online Staff Scheduling Software

November 4, 2011 | 3,311 views

Employee Scheduling Software Features

New Employee Scheduling Software Features

Recently, we launched new ScheduleBase features that make our staff scheduling software even better. Based on customer feedback, the new viewing options improve the way staff see work schedules online.


And, now managers can customize the online work schedule to:


Show or hide weekly hours. While some managers don’t mind showing every employee’s scheduled hours to the full staff, for those that prefer, they now have the option to hide total weekly scheduled hours for every employee.



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