Tag Archives: tardiness

5 Ways to Tackle Employee Tardiness

December 8, 2021 | 510 views

5 Ways to Tackle Employee Tardiness
5 Ways to Tackle Employee Tardiness

Any one of us will occasionally be late. Cars won’t start, pipes burst, and kids get sick. However, these situations are exceptions. If your organization has chronically tardy employees, that is a situation that is difficult and potentially very costly. People who are consistently late have difficulty managing their time and develop habits that are difficult to change. Still, managers have to address tardiness consistently and effectively.

Ideally, preventive steps will eliminate tardiness, but it is often necessary to institute punitive actions and rewards for employees who need more guidance.


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The Cost of Employee Lateness to Your Business

April 10, 2015 | 5,714 views

The Cost of Employee Lateness to Your Business

The Cost of Employee Lateness to Your Business

How tolerant are you about lateness in your business? Is it normal for a few of your employees to show up 15 minutes to half an hour late for their shift?

Tardiness at work doesn’t seem like a big deal. You might just give your employee a slap on the wrist and say, “don’t do it again.” Or, if you’re a little stricter about it, you might decline your employee a promotion. If the problem persists, you’re doing yourself more of a disservice by not taking swift action to stop the tardiness in its tracks. That’s because there is a cost above and beyond that lost time.


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