Tag Archives: staff scheduling

3 Best Practices for Hotel Staff Scheduling During the Pandemic

August 26, 2020 | 1,053 views

3 Best Practices for Hotel Staff Scheduling During the Pandemic
3 Best Practices for Hotel Staff Scheduling During the Pandemic

Hospitality management can be a lot of fun. It exposes you to high rollers and lowbrow jokers. It presents dining experiences and travel deals. In large hotel chains, it can mean a solid career choice, too. But the industry has been especially hard-hit by the pandemic, leaving managing a hotel and staying profitable a day-by-day concern.

Hotel managers have always had a tough job, of course. Competition is fierce. Consolidation sites lower daily rates. Being on call 24 hours-a-day is exhausting. And with government-imposed restrictions, many hotels are finding themselves with inconsistent occupancy levels while striving to keep a healthy staff working.


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Clinic Saves with Online Employee Scheduling Software

March 5, 2012 | 4,242 views

Staff scheduling at Orthopedic Associates used to take a lot of time, about six to seven hours a week longer than it does today. For the past several months, Orthopedic Associates P.A. of Farmington, New Mexico has been preparing its work schedules with ScheduleBase online employee scheduling software instead writing them in a spiral notebook.



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