Tag Archives: staff members

How to Fire an Employee

May 14, 2014 | 2,754 views

How to Fire an Employee

How to Fire an Employee

You may be completely comfortable hiring and managing your staff, but how do you feel about firing an employee? Like many business owners and managers, you may be uncomfortable at the idea of possible confrontation. But if you have employees who are lying, stealing, or simply not being productive, this is an imperative skill you need to develop, if you hope to make your business successful.



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Ramping Up Your Staff for Summer

May 2, 2014 | 2,545 views

Staff for Summer

Ramping Up Your Staff for Summer

If you work in an industry that sees more customers in the summer, you’ll probably need to beef up your staff to accommodate. More employees mean better customer service and shorter lines to make a purchase. But don’t wait until Memorial Day to start your employee hiring plan!


Consider Your Needs

Your best indicator of how many employees you need to hire comes from your data on last summer. Did you have a good balance of additional employees to handle the surge in business, or could you have used a few extra pairs of hands?


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Why Employees Quit

April 2, 2014 | 3,066 views

Why Employees Quit

Why Employees Quit

In a utopian world, your best employees would never leave you. They’d stay with your company until you closed it down.


In reality, that’s not happening. The fact that 18-44 year-old employees change jobs on average 11 times in their careers tells you that you’d be lucky to hang onto someone for even a year. But knowing the reasons why employees leave can help you make changes that — hopefully — will make them stick around a little longer.


Are You Pushing or Pulling?

According to a Catalyst study, employees leave their jobs because of either push or pull factors:


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Which Type of Manager are You?

March 5, 2014 | 3,133 views

Which Type of Manager are You?

Which Type of Manager are You?

The type of manager you are sets the course for how your business or department is run. Your own personality will weigh heavily into how you manage a team, but you can always take a few pointers to improve your style and communication.


While every manager is unique, there are certain stereotypical types that ring true. See if you identify with any of these.


Mike the Micromanager

Mike’s there every time an employee makes a move — and sometimes before she makes one. He wants to make sure his instructions are followed out perfectly, and there’s no margin for error.


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Top Reasons Your Employees Quit Their Jobs

September 5, 2013 | 3,662 views

Why Employees Quit Jobs

Why Employees Quit Jobs

Did you have an employee quit today? Have you hired someone recently, only to receive an unexpected resignation letter a couple of months later? In 2013, where workers are conditioned to continually look for the next best opportunity, it’s almost inevitable for any type of business to lose their employees, leaving most managers scratching their heads.



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