Tag Archives: small business tools

Turning Traditional on Its Head: Flexible Scheduling Options

January 6, 2016 | 2,289 views

Turning Traditional on Its Head: Flexible Scheduling Options

Turning Traditional on Its Head: Flexible Scheduling Options

A new study is catching a lot of attention. 77% of Millennials say flexible schedules make them more productive, according to a study by Bentley University.


It’s not a surprise, when you think about it. People’s productivity ebbs and flows throughout the day in the same way the ocean surges and recesses from the shoreline. Sometimes work is efficient. Other times, people struggle to get even the most basic tasks done.



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Taking Your Business Blog to the Next Level

December 17, 2014 | 2,298 views

Taking Your Business Blog to the Next Level

Taking Your Business Blog to the Next Level

Now that you’ve started your business blog, you’re probably interested in attracting more visitors. You should be! The readers of your blog can easily become customers, so it’s worth the effort to make your blog a shining beacon that will attract them.


Here we’ll look at how you can polish your blog and attract more loyal readers through valuable content.



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6 Surefire Strategies to Boost Web Traffic

August 27, 2014 | 2,968 views

6 Surefire Strategies to Boost Web Traffic

6 Surefire Strategies to Boost Web Traffic

In today’s world of online shopping and ecommerce, a company’s website is its biggest marketing tools and sales funnel. But it’s not enough to simply have a great website. You need to drive traffic to your site in order for customers to be aware of your services and buy from you. Here are six easy and ethical ways to boost website traffic and get people visiting your site.




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Is Your Brand Blogging? Why It Should Be

July 23, 2014 | 3,144 views

Is Your Brand Blogging? Why It Should Be

Is Your Brand Blogging? Why It Should Be

Let’s face it; blogging is here to stay. If you haven’t gotten on the blogging bus, or have fallen off, now’s the time to hop back. There are some compelling reasons to blog beyond its inherent SEO value, and I’ll share those with you in a moment. While blogging may seem like just another chore to add to your never-ending To Do list, it can actually create value for your customers, as well as improve your bottom line and make running your business easier.



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How to Use Content Marketing Effectively

April 9, 2014 | 2,777 views

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

For many entrepreneurs, marketing is just one of many tasks they take on. The problem is: many of them don’t use it effectively. Take content marketing. How regularly are you writing blog content or whitepapers? How are you amplifying your content on social media and other channels?


Don’t have the answers? This post will help.


First, Understand Your Strategy

Before you even lift a finger to write any content, you need to have a solid understanding of what your strategy is. For most, it’s to educate their audience and hopefully reach new contacts who will turn into customers.


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Avoiding Time Management Mistakes

December 5, 2013 | 5,742 views

Time Management

Time Management

Another year is close to an end and it’s time to recollect on the list of time management mistakes you created this past year. Do you have one? Is it lengthy? When was the last time you truly stopped to ask yourself, “How well do I manage my time?” Most of us continue, day by day, without second guessing our schedules or the way we blindly progress through a work day. Rather than “trying harder” or just doing the same thing over and over again, have you ever considered the fact that you may be overloaded and your time management is affecting you more than you know?


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Keys to Selecting the Best Small Business Scheduling Software

October 25, 2013 | 9,884 views

Keys to Selecting Small Business Scheduling Software

Keys to Selecting Small Business Scheduling Software

Decision making is an essential small business leadership skill. It’s been proven time and time again that, as a small business owner or manager, if you can learn how to make timely, advantageous decisions, then you can lead you and your employees to ultimate success. Right here at ScheduleBase, we feel this same mentality applies when shopping around for all types of small business scheduling software and eventually choosing the best one for your operation.



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Should You Be Using Online Software?

October 11, 2013 | 21,347 views

Online Software

Online Software

Do you remember how long ago it was when the Internet made it imperative for businesses of all types to have a website, build a marketing presence and begin combining online strategies with traditional advertising methods? Better yet, do you have any idea when the idea of “smart” devices came into play requiring these same businesses to yet again re-think their way of reaching customers through the use of mobile websites and mobile apps? Since websites, smartphones and tablets have managed to become a required part of our daily lives, it’s no doubt that every single business owner, who wants to succeed anyway, knows the importance of not only online software, but also taking the steps to incorporate it into everyday business practices.


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Is Employee Theft Affecting Your Small Business?

September 27, 2013 | 4,875 views

Employee Theft Hacking

Employee Theft Hacking

It’s no doubt that every small business owner or manager has either thought about, or had to deal with employee theft. It’s also not too far-fetched to believe that every employee has either had a “first time” stealing, or has come across an instance where the thought of “is it worth it to take this, and will I get caught?” has occurred.



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