Tag Archives: small business manager

How to Train Your First Manager

March 11, 2015 | 2,596 views

How to Train Your First Manager

How to Train Your First Manager

Congratulations! You’ve just hired your first manager. Now what?


Training your first employee is hard enough. Training someone with as important responsibilities as your manager is even harder. Get started on the right foot with these training tips.


Get the Lingo Down

There’s nothing worse than trying to learn a new job and a new language. If you use technical speak and jargon in your daily activities, teach it to your manager before you begin training. That’ll help him learn faster and everything will progress more smoothly.


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6 Resolutions for Small Biz Managers

January 7, 2015 | 1,967 views

6 Resolutions for Small Biz Managers

6 Resolutions for Small Biz Managers

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s also the best time to take a step back and perform a self-review for you as a business owner, as well as manager of your team. What did you do exceptionally well this year? What held you back from doing better? What are you struggling to accomplish and why?


As a smart professional, you’re already revisiting your year looking at strengths, weaknesses, and new opportunities. With those revelations and lessons learned in mind, it’s time to set a few New Year’s resolutions.


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3 Ways to Be a Better Boss

November 26, 2014 | 2,449 views

3 Ways to Be a Better Boss

3 Ways to Be a Better Boss

If you genuinely care about your role as boss to your staff, you’ll be open to making changes to continually improve your management techniques to keep your team happy, reduce turnover, and keep your business operating smoothly. While simply being open to change can improve your boss status, here are three other ways you can be a better manager.



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Why Business Owners Don’t Make Good Managers

July 9, 2014 | 8,542 views

Why Business Owners Don’t Make Good Managers

Why Business Owners Don’t Make Good Managers

If you’re a small business owner, you know what it’s like to wear multiple hats and juggle multiple tasks at the same time. Running a business requires managing everything from finding customers to making investment decisions to managing employees. All of these tasks require vastly different skills and, some would argue, different people to perform them, so it’s no wonder that so many business owners don’t make good managers.



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How to Find Job Satisfaction

October 17, 2013 | 7,203 views

Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction

So you’ve started another job. It seems as if you were at this very point no more than a year ago. The new hire paperwork is complete and you’ve managed to successfully answer the all-important question of “what can you do for this organization?” So what’s the deal? What can you do differently this time to not end up in the same predicament year after year?



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Is Your Management Style Causing Employee Stress?

September 23, 2013 | 8,266 views

Is Your Management Style Causing Employee Stress

Is Your Management Style Causing Employee Stress

Every small business manager has a management style, whether he or she knows what it is, or not. A manager’s approach on how to run an operation greatly affects employees’ motivation and willingness to buy into what is being advertised. The most effective managers have a unique ability to vary their styles depending on each employee’s knowledge and ability, the task at hand, time restrictions, and many other unforeseen factors. If you are a manager who has this fortunate skill, you will most likely win over your employees and inspire them to do their best at all times.


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Does Your Small Business Lack Customer Service?

September 13, 2013 | 3,452 views

Customer Service

Customer Service in a Small Business

We’ve all had the perfect customer service experience. An employee works so hard to impress you, to wow you, expecting nothing in return. Some people say it’s, well, “part of the job,” while others learn to appreciate excellent customer service. It’s a perception of most, that we are the customers and, yes, we are always right, right? Well, many people approve of this theory and never back down from always maintaining a thought that customer service is a job essential and must always be at a pristine level. As a small business manager, how do you feel about this?


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