Tag Archives: schedule your employees

Schedule Time to Improve Your Salon

August 12, 2013 | 4,786 views

Improve Your Salon Scheduling

Improve Your Salon Scheduling

Salons and spas have become a necessity these days, due to the increasing demand for self grooming and stress management. This same demand has also increased the need for an effective way to better manage salon employee schedules since these staff members are vital in serving clients walking through the door.


As it does with most businesses, employee scheduling has a very important place in the world of salons everywhere. There isn’t a salon manager out there who hasn’t felt the pressure of trying to find a last-minute stylist to fill a shift because of unexpected daily volume or unforeseen appointments.


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The Cause and Cure for Employee Scheduling Headaches

August 7, 2013 | 9,821 views

Post-It Note Link to Employee Scheduling Headaches

Post-It Note Link to Employee Scheduling Headaches

Did you know that employee scheduling headaches could have very well originated when the Post-it Note was first launched in the mid-eighties? Back then, before employers started relying on this small, 3-inch yellow square for a majority of their scheduling needs, people used Post-it Notes for a variety of different reasons. Whether it was for simple tasks at work, or in the home, they were found in every drawer and in every office. They were considered so handy because they could stick to things so you wouldn’t lose them and they would remind you of tasks to be completed. But, shall we venture to say that those same individuals probably never thought that little piece of paper would eventually transform the daily life of users across all nations and eventually affect the task of employee scheduling with employers and employees in offices everywhere.


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Your Schedule Maker – Deciding How to Create Employee Schedules

October 29, 2012 | 5,274 views



ScheduleBase Schedule Maker

ScheduleBase Schedule Maker

Have you ever evaluated your current schedule maker and thought about why it is so hard to schedule employees? What’s holding you back from doing the things you really need to do when creating employee schedules? It may be time you take a look at why you haven’t found a simple and effective method of communicating schedules with your staff.



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How To Prepare Your Employee Schedule For A Workplace Emergency

September 11, 2012 | 14,084 views

Online Employee Scheduling

September is National Preparedness Month and ScheduleBase wants to know if you are prepared for an unexpected emergency in your office?  Do you know where to take cover if a tornado warning were issued?  Did you pay attention to your fire drill process in school?  These events, fortunately, are rare scenarios that only produce a small scare once in a great while and are either avoided or forgotten in most situations.

However, if you are a manager in your place of business, apply this same optimistic approach to your day-to-day outlook of scheduling your employees.  Are you comfortable with your process? How do you react when an employee needs a schedule change last minute?  Do you scramble and call each of your employees to see who is available?  Do you continue short-handed today and tomorrow?  How do you communicate the needs of your all-important employee work schedule to each one of your staff members?  Here is a quick list of tips to keep in mind when preparing your next employee schedule.

Make a Plan


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