Tag Archives: retail

Reducing Turnover in any Industry

April 23, 2014 | 3,232 views

Reducing Turnover

Reducing Turnover

High turnover, common in retail and restaurants, not only causes the headache of you having to replace staff whenever they quit, but it also costs you money. Research shows it costs you about half of what you spend on an hourly employee’s salary to find a replacement, interview them, manage the paperwork, and train them.


So how can you keep your employees? Here are some tips for reducing turnover.



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5 Tips to Market Your Small Business Without Breaking the Bank

February 26, 2014 | 4,639 views

Breaking the Bank

Breaking the Bank

For small businesses, if it ain’t essential, it’s not getting a budget. And while it’s hard to feel like marketing always has a direct return on investment (believe me; there have been plenty of arguments about whether you can measure the ROI of a Tweet), marketing still remains essential if you want to grow your business.


Fortunately, your budget doesn’t have to be very big, if you’re willing to put some effort into DIYing your marketing. Here we look at 5 of the best marketing tips to get more bang for less buck.


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Retail Scheduling – Shopping For Simple Employee Scheduling Software

October 19, 2012 | 11,324 views


Retail Scheduling

Retail Scheduling



One of the most important tasks of a retail manager is scheduling employees. Retail employee scheduling requires meeting the needs of the store, while satisfying the needs of employees. There are several ways to schedule employees in a retail environment. So how come the one thing most retail managers shop for and need, an employee scheduling tool that offers simple and flexible features, is so hard to find?



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