Tag Archives: remote and hybrid school schedules

Scheduling Employees Around Remote and Hybrid School Schedules

October 28, 2020 | 649 views

Scheduling Employees Around Remote and Hybrid School Schedules
Scheduling Employees Around Remote and Hybrid School Schedules

Remember singing Alice Cooper’s classic “School’s Out for Summer” each June, happily dancing as we imagine the freedom promised in our summer? I’m sure we never considered his lyrics a foreshadowing of today: “School’s out for summer…We might not come back at all, School’s out forever…School’s out completely.”

For employees, it’s different. As a manager, you rely on them to work their shifts and physically be on-site when needed. Manufacturing, hospitality and retail workers all have to present for their shifts—working from home is seldom an option. Yet, the majority of employees have school-aged children at home who need supervision. No one can be in two places at once.


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