Tag Archives: productivity

How to Increase Your Productivity Without Going to Great Lengths

January 30, 2019 | 3,986 views

How to Increase Your Productivity Without Going to Great Lengths
How to Increase Your Productivity Without Going to Great Lengths

Perhaps one of the most inspiring CEOs of our time is Peter Shankman. One of his cornerstone accomplishments is Help A Reporter Out (HARO), a business that became an almost overnight success and was acquired in less than two years by Vocus, Inc. But recently he’s turned his focus elsewhere — on telling his story about being a productive CEO with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).


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What Can You Learn From Elon Musk About Productivity?

September 26, 2018 | 1,997 views

What Can You Learn From Elon Musk About Productivity?

What Can You Learn From Elon Musk About Productivity?

You’ve likely heard the name Elon Musk muttered in conversations about innovation. He’s the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, but perhaps you’ll know him better for his outspoken views on conventional approaches to leadership and business. He’s stirred the pot and in doing so, he’s found a few ways to improve productivity across the board. Here are three lessons you can learn and implement from Musk about your employee’s productivity.



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Productivity Isn’t About Time Management

March 28, 2018 | 1,919 views

Productivity Isn't About Time Management

Productivity Isn’t About Time Management28

Productivity is defined as doing more in less time. The concept is simple enough. Output more in fewer hours each day and you’ll be productive. So, it makes sense that in order to manage your productivity, you have to manage your time, right? Not quite.


Productivity is ultimately about the output more than the time. In order to create and accomplish more, you need the energy to do so. But here’s the catch – not all hours in our day are the same. Some people are morning people. Others are night owls. In order to manage your own productivity levels, you need to manage your energy. Here’s how.


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How to Organize Your Meeting Rooms for Maximum Productivity

February 7, 2018 | 1,911 views

How to Organize Your Meeting Rooms for Maximum Productivity

How to Organize Your Meeting Rooms for Maximum Productivity

When you set foot into your meeting room, what happens? Do you get down to business quickly? Or do you waste precious work time fumbling with technology, chatting with colleagues, or on non-pressing matters? If it’s the latter, you might not have your meeting rooms organized for maximum productivity. Here’s how to turn that around.


Schedule Your Meetings

Have you ever heard the expression, “what gets scheduled gets done?” The idea is, if it’s on the schedule, it’s in your mind that it needs finishing.


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The Best Productivity Hacks for 2018

January 31, 2018 | 1,736 views

The Best Productivity Hacks for 2018

The Best Productivity Hacks for 2018

Productivity doesn’t come easily to most people. That’s why it’s one of the top New Year’s resolutions on professional’s lists – to work more efficiently and accomplish more in the New Year.


There are many productivity hacks out there. If you’ve tried them all before and still struggle, here are a few fresh new ideas to get you out of your slump.



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Is the Key to Productivity to do Nothing?

September 20, 2017 | 1,868 views

Is the Key to Productivity to do Nothing?

Is the Key to Productivity to do Nothing?

The illusive 4-hour work week looks tempting, but how is it possible? How can a person achieve grandiose things without producing? You work hard to achieve inbox zero, but it requires just that – work. How can you be a success without grinding away for hours every day?



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Are You Wasting Your Time on the Wrong Tasks?

August 2, 2017 | 2,018 views

Are You Wasting Your Time on the Wrong Tasks?

Are You Wasting Your Time on the Wrong Tasks?

How do you map out your workday? If you’re like most people, you jot down notes in a planner or on post-its with everything you need to accomplish throughout the day. Then, you check things off as you go, hoping to tackle them all but knowing that distractions will creep in, so you might not be able to get to everything.



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Are You Hurting Your Productivity by Allowing Your Employees to Schedule Tasks?

June 21, 2017 | 1,852 views

Are You Hurting Your Productivity by Allowing Your Employees to Schedule Tasks?

Are You Hurting Your Productivity by Allowing Your Employees to Schedule Tasks?

Productivity. Work/life balance. Freedom in the workplace. These are all things we champion on a regular basis, so when a recent Harvard Business Journal article was released titled, “Why Productivity Suffers When Employees Are Allowed to Schedule Their Own Tasks,” we took notice.


The Research Behind the Claims

The research comes from a paper titled, “Discretionary Task Ordering: Queue Management in Radiological Services” by Maria R. Ibanez, a doctoral candidate at Harvard Business School; Jonathan R. Clark, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio; Robert S. Huckman, a professor at Harvard Business School; and Bradley R. Staats, an associate professor at UNC Kenan-Flager Business School.


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Turning Traditional on Its Head: Flexible Scheduling Options

January 6, 2016 | 2,275 views

Turning Traditional on Its Head: Flexible Scheduling Options

Turning Traditional on Its Head: Flexible Scheduling Options

A new study is catching a lot of attention. 77% of Millennials say flexible schedules make them more productive, according to a study by Bentley University.


It’s not a surprise, when you think about it. People’s productivity ebbs and flows throughout the day in the same way the ocean surges and recesses from the shoreline. Sometimes work is efficient. Other times, people struggle to get even the most basic tasks done.



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How to Make Your Friends Envy Your Productivity Style

September 30, 2015 | 2,194 views

How to Make Your Friends Envy Your Productivity Style

How to Make Your Friends Envy Your Productivity Style

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “How does she do it?” People who juggle busy lifestyles without seeming to skip a beat are awe-inspiring.


If you want to become that person who makes everyone’s head turn in amazement, you’ll need to boost your productivity to get more done in less time. Here are a few ways you can make yourself the talk of your social circle with productivity boosting tips.


Create a Distraction Free Schedule



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