Tag Archives: poor productivity

4 Contributors to Poor Productivity (that You Should Avoid at All Costs)

February 20, 2019 | 1,703 views

4 Contributors to Poor Productivity (that You Should Avoid at All Costs)
4 Contributors to Poor Productivity (that You Should Avoid at All Costs)

Poor productivity may be costing you more than you realize: having disengaged workers costs organizations around $500 billion per year. If you haven’t considered how lack of efficiency or motivation has impacted your business, it’s time to assess whether you might be part of the problem.

1. Not Keeping Your Eye on the Big Picture

In order for employees to feel important, it helps for them to know that they are a critical part of the success of the company. To do this, managers must work with employees to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to evaluate their success for their unique positions.


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