Tag Archives: employee turnover

Reduce Retail Employee Turnover with a Focus on Scheduling

December 16, 2020 | 917 views

Reduce Retail Employee Turnover with a Focus on Scheduling
educe Retail Employee Turnover with a Focus on Scheduling

Employees come and go. It’s a fact of business life, but it is not always a welcome departure because attrition costs money and time. Owners and managers have to recruit, hire, and train replacement employees. And when someone leaves unexpectedly (for any number of reasons), managers and business owners feel the pain. It causes understaffing and last-minute scheduling changes, which nobody who is left behind wants to experience.


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Are Your Annual Employee Surveys Giving You the True Picture?

January 18, 2017 | 1,857 views

10 Mistakes Small Businesses Make That Are Costing Them Productivity

10 Mistakes Small Businesses Make That Are Costing Them Productivity

Let’s hit the rewind button and go back 30 years ago to a time when employee turnover was only 4%. Most of the time when an employee left a business three decades ago, it was involuntary.


Now, let’s jump back to today where employee turnover is over 10% and people are leaving businesses more freely. This type of turnover has put a tremendous burden on employers making it harder than ever to manage simple HR tasks, such as payroll, scheduling, and more.



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5 Signs Your Employees Are Thinking of Quitting

February 3, 2016 | 2,167 views

5 Signs Your Employees Are Thinking of Quitting

5 Signs Your Employees Are Thinking of Quitting

You love your business but it turns out, your employees might not be as passionate about seeing you succeed. It’s understandable too. They’re the ones who deal with the stress of daily customer interactions. Although they love what they do, they’re not invested in the company’s overall growth in the same way you are.


For a manager, this thought is frightening. What would you do without your best employees? What would you do if someone (or a handful of people) quit?



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Reducing Turnover in any Industry

April 23, 2014 | 3,217 views

Reducing Turnover

Reducing Turnover

High turnover, common in retail and restaurants, not only causes the headache of you having to replace staff whenever they quit, but it also costs you money. Research shows it costs you about half of what you spend on an hourly employee’s salary to find a replacement, interview them, manage the paperwork, and train them.


So how can you keep your employees? Here are some tips for reducing turnover.



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Why Employees Quit

April 2, 2014 | 3,078 views

Why Employees Quit

Why Employees Quit

In a utopian world, your best employees would never leave you. They’d stay with your company until you closed it down.


In reality, that’s not happening. The fact that 18-44 year-old employees change jobs on average 11 times in their careers tells you that you’d be lucky to hang onto someone for even a year. But knowing the reasons why employees leave can help you make changes that — hopefully — will make them stick around a little longer.


Are You Pushing or Pulling?

According to a Catalyst study, employees leave their jobs because of either push or pull factors:


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Reduce Young Employee Turnover Through Unique Incentives

August 29, 2013 | 9,876 views

Young Employee Turnover

Young Employee Turnover

Employee turnover is one of the biggest challenges faced by small businesses today. It can be an unnecessary cost and business owners try their best to eliminate these expenses by reducing turnover of younger employees on their schedules. However, month after month and year after year, most small businesses still see turnover from younger employees, many being teenagers, and have no answer on how to turn this expensive trend around. It’s no doubt that younger employees are taking on more responsibility and working harder than ever, whether to fulfill a need at home or for their own personal gain. As a manager, you need to avoid burnout of these same employees all while maintaining your current level of workplace productivity.


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