Tag Archives: Content Marketing

5 Ways to Use Content to Market Your Brand

April 29, 2015 | 1,998 views

5 Ways to Use Content to Market Your Brand

5 Ways to Use Content to Market Your Brand

“Content” is one of the hottest buzzwords in the marketing world right now – and for good reason. The information your brand puts on the market can drive sales. On the contrary, your silence can stifle your growth.

If you’re still wondering how you can use content to build your brand, here are five easy ways to get started.

  1. Create a Blog Series.

Blogging is perhaps one of the best types of content you can use to promote your business. It’s helpful for your website visitors. It’s helpful for search engines. And, it provides an easy way to drive traffic back to your website from emails and social media.


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Going Beyond Blogs with Your Content Marketing

January 21, 2015 | 2,202 views

Going Beyond Blogs with Your Content Marketing

Going Beyond Blogs with Your Content Marketing

It’s the cry of content marketers heard round the world: “Blog often!”


Blogging certainly has its advantages. It boosts your search engine position for your top keywords. It also works as a sales tool answering questions before they’re asked. Now, with the proliferation of Internet access, smart content marketers are going beyond the blog to create even more content for consumers.


Here are five other types of content that you can offer to gain traction online.


 1. Email


