Part 2: 3 Tips for Recruiting During the Holiday Season

November 9, 2016 | 1,896 views

Part 2: 3 Tips for Recruiting During the Holiday Season

Part 2: 3 Tips for Recruiting During the Holiday Season

Last week, we talked about how to recruit seasonal workers during the holiday season. This week, we’re continuing the holiday season recruitment conversation, but this time, we’re focusing on bringing full-time, year-round employees on board during the chaos of the holidays.

This is a topic that’s not often addressed, probably because it’s so difficult.

When you onboard an employee, you want to ease him into his new role. You want him to get his sea-legs before he starts in with the busy season, so he feels more comfortable and the transition from newbie to seasoned worker is seamless.

During the holiday season, that’s not as easy as it sounds. Hiring full-time or year-round employees during such a chaotic time is the equivalent of pushing a child off a dock and saying, “swim.” He’ll likely flounder, gasp for air, and feel a little bit panicked at first. Although that sounds like a recipe for disaster, it can work.

If your company needs to hire long-term help during the rush of the holiday season, here are three tips to recruit the best new team members for your business.

1. Be Specific in Your Job Post

This time of year, many people are seeking temporary work. That’s because seasonal jobs are abundant during the rush of the holidays. Still, some of those people scoping out the seasonal job market might want and appreciate the opportunity to apply for something longer term.

In your job listings, make it clear you’re looking for help beyond the holiday madness. This will give you higher quality applicants who are better suited for the roles you’re hiring for.

2. Be Honest About What He’ll Expect

When you start the interview process, be honest with each applicant. Let the person in front of you know what he’ll expect on day one – madness. Don’t shy away from the fact that you’ll be sending your new hire into the busiest season of the year. This way, he knows that you’re aware of the difficulty of starting during the holidays and ready to help him make the most of it.

But, just as you’re being honest about the crazy holiday period, be honest about what will happen once the holidays die down. If you have a go-getter who thrives in a busy environment, but you’re only busy three months out of the year, the job might not be the best fit for him.

3. Ask for References

When you’re already overwhelmed during the holiday season, it’s tempting to not ask for references. It’s tempting to trust experience so you can get past the recruitment period and onto having a full staff to help you through the rush. Still, this can prove to be a poor strategy down the line.

Ask for references for each person you’re considering so you’re sure to know who you’re hiring. You don’t want to bring someone on board who has a track record of constantly being late, not showing up for shifts, or struggling to keep customers happy.

Knowing who you’re hiring during this period is more important than ever.

Hiring Long-Term During the Holidays

Hiring long-term employees during the holidays might seem like a foreign concept, but by being transparent throughout the process, and doing your due diligence, you can find some gems in the pool of applicants. Don’t wait until the season has died down. Start now.


Author Profile Jon Forknell is the Vice President and General Manager of Atlas Business Solutions, Inc., a software marketing company specializing in employee scheduling software, including ScheduleBase employee scheduling software, and other business software solutions. In the past, Jon has been recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration as a SBA Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Atlas Business Solutions was named as one of Software Magazine’s Top 500 Software Companies in 2004 through 2007 and again in 2010, 2013 and 2014.

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