Is Your Brand Blogging? Why It Should Be

July 23, 2014 | 3,209 views

Is Your Brand Blogging? Why It Should Be

Is Your Brand Blogging? Why It Should Be

Let’s face it; blogging is here to stay. If you haven’t gotten on the blogging bus, or have fallen off, now’s the time to hop back. There are some compelling reasons to blog beyond its inherent SEO value, and I’ll share those with you in a moment. While blogging may seem like just another chore to add to your never-ending To Do list, it can actually create value for your customers, as well as improve your bottom line and make running your business easier.


Share Your Niche Expertise

Blogging allows a small business like yours  to leverage one of its primary advantages over larger competitors; its expertise on a niche market or sector. While the big guys are jacks-of-all-trades, smaller brands have usually found a niche and can share their experience and advice through a blog. Customers seek out this type of expert opinion and will reward your brand with increased website visits, exposure, and sales.


Blog As A Sales Channel

That brings me to the next reason your brand should be blogging; it’s a great sales channel. As this post on Social Media Examiner explains, blogging establishes trust with your customers, which drives sales leads. It can even help you qualify those sales leads to make sure you’re focused on pursuing the right lead at the right time.


Feed Your Social Media Monster

If your brand doesn’t have a company blog or it isn’t active, chances are you have a difficult time filling your social media profiles with relevant content, the kind of content that increases engagement and encourages social sharing, as well as exposes your brand to a wider audience. Blogging can help solve this problem. Blogs are a great source of content to share across your channels. Images that accompany your blog post can be added to Pinterest, the headline can be tweeted several times, and a story can be posted to Facebook and LinkedIn. Not bad for a single blog post.


Clarify Your Message and Value

Regularly writing on your industry and about your brand can also help to create a clearer message that will flow into all your marketing activities. Practice makes perfect, and when you are writing about the world in which your brand operates, the value it brings to customers and its place in the market, your understanding of your business is bound to improve. At the very least, you’ll become an industry expert, which has value regardless of how small or big the industry is.


Blog It Out

If you’re still not convinced to start writing for the good of your brand, consider the good of your body. Blogging has been shown to improve your health as a stress-reliever and is associated with improved memory, sleep and immunity.



Blogging gives your brand the platform to show off its expertise, and is therefore a powerful sales tool. The content you create can fill your social channels with original ideas and valuable insights, which can help clarify your brand’s place in the world and position you as an industry expert. And as an added benefit, blogging can help you manage the stress of running your own business! If you’re ready to start writing, check out this terrific blog post and this amazing infographic to help you get started.

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