Is it Time for Online Employee Scheduling Software?

October 10, 2011 | 3,931 views

ScheduleBase Makes Online Employee Scheduling Easy!

ScheduleBase Makes Online Employee Scheduling Easy!

There are advantages

Most people are well aware of the advantages of banking online. They also know that seeing photos of long-lost friends and relatives they have rediscovered on Facebook is pretty cool. Deep down, they have a sneaky feeling that this whole “internet thing” is going to take off. This begs the question for every manager and business owner today. Is it time to put my work schedule online?


The short answer is…

Yes! When you think about how to schedule your employees, the advantages of putting your employee schedule online are many. Putting work schedules online has all the advantages that putting anything online has. You can access the schedule from anywhere allowing you to easily make change and updates that affect your business. However, the biggest advantage comes in communicating the schedule. With employee scheduling, communication occurs both ways; manager to employee and employee to manager.


Manager-to-employee communication

Manager-to-employee communication is normally what we think of when we think of when we think of employee scheduling. The schedule is posted and it’s posted somewhere at work: on a bulletin board, in a drawer, or maybe in a folder on the shelf behind the manager’s desk. It’s there…somewhere. When you put your schedule online, it’s everywhere your employees need it. The schedule can show up in their email, in a text message or on a computer screen in their dorm room or at the local coffee shop. When your work schedule is online, employees no longer have to go to work, or call in, to find out when they have to go to work.


Employee-to-manager communication

Once your schedule is online, employee-to-manager communication is simplified.  Employees go online to enter availability and make time-off requests. This allows the manager to easily see when people are available to work and when they can’t. This is especially relevant with part-time and students employees. This generation of employees expects employers to communicate with them the same way they do with each other.


So to answer the question again, is it time for online employee scheduling software? Yes, it’s time.


Where to start?

Now that you know it’s time for online scheduling software, ScheduleBase is a great place to start.  ScheduleBase has many features that make it easy for you to schedule and communicate with your team anytime, anywhere. Click here to start your free trial today.


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