Getting More Out of Your HR Tech Stack?

August 8, 2018 | 1,653 views

Getting More Out of Your HR Tech Stack?

Getting More Out of Your HR Tech Stack?

Does this sound familiar? You do your research, test out new products, and decide on one or two to bring to your team. The goal is to make their lives easier and help them be more productive at work, but the introduction is met with a groan. Your employees seem averse to trying something new.


Bringing on new technology is difficult. Employees struggle to adopt it because of a lack of time, a general feeling of technology overload, and limitations from outdated technology. Getting your team to use this technology is difficult to say the least, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are three ways to help you get more out of your HR tech stack.


Make it a Non-Negotiable

As humans, we’re naturally resistant to change. We crave harmony in our lives, which is why we do whatever we can to avoid things that feel uncomfortable. Creating a new habit is one of those things.


The best way to get your team to break free from their comfort zone is to give them a gentle push out of it. That means forcing the team to use the new technology so that they have no choice but to get familiar with the new and leave the old behind. By making your technology usage a non-negotiable, you encourage your team to use the tools you have available and learn them. This approach might not be welcome at first but as they become more familiar with the tools, they’ll ultimately become more comfortable.


Adopt It As a Process

It’s not good enough to force a new tool onto your team. You should also give your team a reason why you want to add a new piece of technology to your tech stack. When you adopt the technology into a current or new process, you emphasize why it’s important. It becomes less about using a tool and more about doing their job more efficiently and productively.


Use Technology to Engage With New Hires Before They Begin

The earlier you can form the habit of using what’s available to you in your HR tech stack, the better. New hires are still sinking their teeth into your training manuals and getting their hands dirty in your business’s processes and expectations. They’re already uncomfortable learning something new, so it’s easier to introduce them to all the technology you have available at this stage.


But you don’t have to wait until day one to present it to them. Make the transition into a new workflow feel better by engaging with new hires through your technology before they arrive on their first day. For example, put them on the online scheduling app before they begin so they can see it in action. Or, give them access to your benefits management system so they can login and get that going before they arrive at your office.


Doing this will increase your new hires likelihood of adopting the technology but more importantly, it’ll make them feel like part of the team before they ever step foot in your office.


Eliminate The Struggle

It’s a challenge to get people to adopt new behaviors. By giving a gentle, but somewhat forceful, push towards adopting it, giving your team a reason why, and engaging with people early on in their journey with you, your business can get more out of your HR tech stack.



Author Profile Jon Forknell is the Vice President and General Manager of Atlas Business Solutions, Inc., a software marketing company specializing in employee scheduling software, including ScheduleBase employee scheduling software, and other business software solutions. In the past, Jon has been recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration as a SBA Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Atlas Business Solutions was named as one of Software Magazine’s Top 500 Software Companies in 2004 through 2007, and 2010, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017.

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