Employee Request Responses Now Delivered by Email and Text Message

December 21, 2011 | 3,373 views

Employees no longer have to log in to ScheduleBase to see if a manager has responded to a work schedule request. If a manager enters a message into an employee’s request, the employee will automatically receive an email, text message or both with the details of the message. For example, if John Smith enters a request, such as “I’d like today off,” his manager could enter “Approved” or “No problem” into the request and this information would be sent to John without him having to login to ScheduleBase. Schedule changes are still communicated to employees when the work schedule is posted. Employees are also notified if a requested has been deleted or marked as done.


By communicating what a manager types into an employee’s request row, managers can do much more than just respond to schedule requests made by the employee. Now managers can make work schedule requests or communicate important information. For example, “Can you work this afternoon?” or “Don’t forget the staff meeting tonight.” Managers and employees can choose to opt-out of notifications in their ScheduleBase profile.


Thank you for using ScheduleBase as your online employee scheduling software. We sincerely appreciate your business and feedback. Happy holidays from us all at ScheduleBase!

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