Don’t Forget These Elements in Your Employee Reviews

July 31, 2019 | 1,638 views

Don’t Forget These Elements in Your Employee Reviews
Don’t Forget These Elements in Your Employee Reviews

Performance reviews can create stress and strain for managers and employees alike. For some reason, the formality of sitting down and putting pen to paper can seem scary and uninspiring.

To make reviews easier and consistent, many organizations use software programs that simplify the evaluation process. These programs often make it very easy to rate employee characteristics and skill levels, and they are very helpful for participants to use. But there are a few areas that should not be overlooked.

Performance evaluations have a very important role in developing employees for company success. That means your success, too. They should be a two-way conversation about contributing to company goals. The job description and performing its specific duties are small parts compared to these influential portions of a performance review.


Employees need the opportunity to consider their own contributions and how well they have done their jobs. Each should self-evaluate as part of his or her review in addition to providing thoughts on what they think works well within the company and what doesn’t. Their ability to recognize weaknesses and suggest improvements—their own or the company’s—is a valuable ingredient in improving an employee’s performance and that of the organization. If an employee self-evaluates, they can then ask for assistance when needed.

Performance vs. Goals

Assuming a solid job description and performance goals exist, it is easy to determine if an employee was effective in their assigned role. At least two colleagues should share their opinions to provide different, objective viewpoints and input should be supported by specific examples related to the employee’s performance. Peers, managers, and other department liaisons are good contributors.  


This is an expansive topic with broad implications of characteristics including communications, initiative, people management and teamwork, independence, and self-responsibility. Appropriate communication methods and styles are important parts of managing themselves and working with others. Showing initiative and independence for the company’s benefit are usually welcome traits that push an organization’s success forward. Remember that even the lowliest position can show respectable levels of leadership by contributing good ideas, taking responsibility, and communicating effectively.

Goals and Objectives

Set goals for the next evaluation period: Specific, measurable goals with clear milestones and dates for follow-up. These objectives will expand the employee’s knowledge and develop greater skills while benefiting the company. Special projects, new technology, and broader responsibilities are all good areas to foster. Don’t forget to provide necessary elements like training so that each employee will succeed.

Successful companies demand thoughtful, efficient leaders at every level. Develop clear goals and objectives, and you will find performance reviews valuable tools for developing employees and your business.

Author Profile Jon Forknell is the Vice President and General Manager of Atlas Business Solutions, Inc., a software marketing company specializing in employee scheduling software, including ScheduleBase employee scheduling software, and other business software solutions. In the past, Jon has been recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration as a SBA Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Atlas Business Solutions was named as one of Software Magazine’s Top 500 Software Companies in 2004 through 2007, and 2010, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2018.   

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