Does Your Small Business Lack Customer Service?

September 13, 2013 | 3,521 views

Customer Service

Customer Service in a Small Business

We’ve all had the perfect customer service experience. An employee works so hard to impress you, to wow you, expecting nothing in return. Some people say it’s, well, “part of the job,” while others learn to appreciate excellent customer service. It’s a perception of most, that we are the customers and, yes, we are always right, right? Well, many people approve of this theory and never back down from always maintaining a thought that customer service is a job essential and must always be at a pristine level. As a small business manager, how do you feel about this?


At your small business, it might be easy to dismiss customer service expectations in order to make sure the tedious daily tasks are being completed and the business stays on track. As a manager, you could simply say customer service is someone else’s responsibility and never find yourself dealing with it. Well unfortunately you, as a small business manager, can’t look the other way when it comes to customer service. If your role is to build a compelling brand or a stellar business known in your local city as a place that people love to spend their time, then you can’t ignore customer service. ScheduleBase is delivering a few customer service trends you should be following today and tomorrow if your business is to shine.


Your Image Needs Customer Service

Is your small business message to your customers “We Don’t Care?” If it is, then poor customer service will ruin whatever positive vibes you are hoping to gain from having your doors open. As we all know, a poor customer service experience leaves a more powerful and lasting imprint than a positive one. If there is one thing you can define your small business brand in a positive light, you need to understand and listen to your customers and their concerns or issues. Even if you don’t agree, or are protecting the business, letting the customer know you understand and that you care goes a long way for your local reputation.


Customer Loyalty is Still King

Loyalty from your small business customers can bring long term business and more importantly, a good reputation. Has anyone ever told you that word of mouth goes a long way? Well great customer service equals loyalty, which then trickles down to positive word of mouth for you. Poor customer service often creates a negative perception of your business, which is a serious trigger for negative word of mouth. If you want to eliminate ugly Facebook posts, a terrible Yelp review, or a personal letter addressed “Attention: Manager,” then fix your customer service today and never look back.


Making a Promise Could Hurt You

It’s in your best interest as a small business owner or manager to end every business conversation on a high.  With your customers, do your best to end the conversation on a positive note as well. Customers will remember the last words you speak. However, don’t make promises you can’t keep. There is nothing that gets customers more angry than when you simply lie or lead them down a wrong path. They take it personally and we all know, from above, that this affects your customer loyalty and word of mouth. Instead of making a promise, use phrases like “I’ll see what I can do for you” or “Let me check how I can help you with this” and simply make sure that you offer them what you can within your resources.


Teach Your Employees to Be You, the Expert

What’s not working well? What do customers really want? How do customers feel about the business? What makes customers angry, or happy? These are all questions that can be answered by your employees if you empower them. It’s a great mindset to train your employees to be experts within your business. When a customer calls with a complaint or wants to speak to a manager onsite, having employees who are fully knowledgeable about common issues at hand is a perfect scenario for any small business owner. Besides, customers appreciate the quick responses and love that their issues are resolved in shorter periods of time by not having to jump from person to person to get an answer.


We all know TV commercials, radio spots, magazine spreads and internet marketing may bring a lot of people to your small business doorstep, but why bother if your customer service is pushing them out the back door. Rather than just keeping your establishment busy with new people, take a moment and start thinking about ways that you can retain more of the customers you already have.


About ScheduleBase

ScheduleBase is online employee scheduling software from Atlas Business Solutions, the leader in providing employee scheduling software. In little to no time, businesses can schedule employees online and communicate work schedules by email, text message and mobile device. Put your scheduling online and save time and money, while offering your employees easier access to their schedules and an effective communication tool for you and them.

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