Category Archives: Uncategorized

5 Rules for Scheduling Staff Meetings – Perils and Promise

August 4, 2021 | 549 views

5 Rules for Scheduling Staff Meetings – Perils and Promise
5 Rules for Scheduling Staff Meetings – Perils and Promise

Do you hear a collective groan from employees when you schedule a staff meeting? Employees hear “meeting” and think something important (and probably bad) must be shared with everyone simultaneously. This is especially true for unplanned and unexpected meetings, but even if staff meetings are regular and consistent, the response is not always positive.

It does not matter if a meeting is departmental, all-staff, or simply one-on-one—the reception from employees is not always warm. There are good reasons for this, though. To avoid it, promise a well-organized meeting to encourage good response and participation from employees.


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Encourage Employees to Volunteer

January 20, 2021 | 802 views

Encourage Employees to Volunteer
Encourage Employees to Volunteer

Nearly one-third of Americans volunteer their time with formal non-profit organizations, and many more do so less formally. From classrooms to beach cleanups to coaching sports, you can see volunteer efforts throughout our communities. Generosity is one of our country’s positive attributes, and it permeates all ages and interests.

Volunteering has benefits for businesses, too. Volunteers are more engaged in their communities than non-volunteers. They participate more often in public meetings, elections, and civic development. If businesses can actively encourage employees to volunteer, those entities will receive various benefits in return:


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Why Employee Goodwill Matters Even More in an Emergency

April 22, 2020 | 1,088 views

Why Employee Goodwill Matters Even More in an Emergency
Why Employee Goodwill Matters Even More in an Emergency

Traditionally, goodwill refers to the intangible assets of the company. It could mean the value of a logo or brand, or the hard work an owner has put into building a company. A good reputation is something of value, for example, as are exceptional employees. Goodwill is easily recognized when a company’s asset value is x, but the company assets are sold for a higher amount, y. The difference is goodwill – the perceived value of the company is higher because of intangible good things that improve its value.


How to Become More Diverse in Your Nonprofit

October 24, 2018 | 4,383 views

How to Become More Diverse in Your Nonprofit

How to Become More Diverse in Your Nonprofit

The vast majority of nonprofit CEOs (82 percent) believe that racial diversity is relevant to organizational goals, according to a study by The Center for Effective Philanthropy. But, surprisingly, only a little over half (52 percent) believe that sexual orientation is relevant to organizational goals, and only a handful more (68 percent) believe finding diversity among individuals with disabilities is important.


These figures are staggering in an industry built around making people’s lives better. So what gives? What can nonprofits do to increase focus on overarching diversity and create a culture that’s welcoming of all people? Here are a few strategies to help.


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5 Tips for Overcoming Insecurity as a Manager

March 22, 2017 | 1,891 views

5 Tips for Overcoming Insecurity as a Manager

5 Tips for Overcoming Insecurity as a Manager

There’s a lot of stress that comes with a leadership role. Everyone looks to you to make the right decision. Everyone puts all of their burdens on you and expects you to solve all of the problems as they arise. You’re under a lot of pressure and oftentimes, that can make even the strongest of leaders feel a little insecure from time to time.


If you’re battling insecurity, there are a few things you can do to help reset your mindset and get back to operating from a place of confidence.


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How to Make Your Nonprofit Board More Effective

October 5, 2016 | 1,800 views

How to Make Your Non-Profit Board More Effective

How to Make Your Non-Profit Board More Effective

One of the hardest parts of nonprofit management is getting your board on board. Each person has a full schedule already. Convincing them to focus on your nonprofit and put in the hours it takes to move your organization ahead is difficult. Worse yet, it can stunt your growth.


Here are a few ways to get your nonprofit board to be more effective.


Align Your Team



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How to Show Your Employees They’re Appreciated

November 18, 2015 | 2,163 views

How to Show Your Employees They’re Appreciated

How to Show Your Employees They’re Appreciated

‘Tis the season to be grateful. As you’re counting your blessings for your family, friends, and health consider your employees too.


Your employees are the people who keep your business running smoothly when you’re not around. They answer customer demands and put out small fires on a daily basis. It’s easy to miss saying “thanks” for all their hard work on a daily basis. This time of year gives you the perfect opportunity.



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Top 10 Productivity Hacks to Get You Back on Track

July 15, 2015 | 5,062 views

Top 10 Productivity Hacks to Get You Back on Track

Top 10 Productivity Hacks to Get You Back on Track

You have every intention of being productive, but suddenly, you find yourself back to square one, scrambling to get everything finished. You’re stressed, frazzled, and overwhelmed, which does nothing to help you stay on task.

Get back on track with these 10 productivity hacks.


1. Banish Notifications

When your phone chimes with yet another email landing in your inbox waiting for your attention, you can’t help but get distracted. These small, frequent distractions steal away your valuable productivity time and leave you feeling more frazzled than effective. Put a stop to the notifications and check in when you’re in between tasks instead.


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6 Critical Components of Your Marketing Plan

February 11, 2015 | 2,953 views

6 Critical Components of Your Marketing Plan

6 Critical Components of Your Marketing Plan

Business owners come out of the gate running. They’re so eager to build their business and reach new customers that they often forget one critical action item – planning. You can relate to that feeling, can’t you?


Planning isn’t something many go-getters embrace. It requires putting on the brakes while details get woven together into a failproof strategy. Although it’s not always the “exciting” part about running a business, it’s essential to your success.



Taking Your Business Blog to the Next Level

December 17, 2014 | 2,371 views

Taking Your Business Blog to the Next Level

Taking Your Business Blog to the Next Level

Now that you’ve started your business blog, you’re probably interested in attracting more visitors. You should be! The readers of your blog can easily become customers, so it’s worth the effort to make your blog a shining beacon that will attract them.


Here we’ll look at how you can polish your blog and attract more loyal readers through valuable content.



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