Category Archives: ScheduleBase at Work

Avoid Worker Fatigue with Intelligent Scheduling

August 28, 2019 | 1,199 views

Avoid Worker Fatigue with Intelligent Scheduling
Avoid Worker Fatigue with Intelligent Scheduling

The dangers of worker fatigue are very real. About 1/3 of the workforce works in shifts, many with rotating schedules. Nearly any location open 24 hours each day will rotate workers as needed to cover specialties and production for round-the-clock operations. Hospitals, police and fire, and manufacturing sites all need to schedule workers at non-traditional hours.

However, disrupting the body’s natural sleep patterns and circadian rhythms can wreak havoc on worker performance due to fatigue. Fatigue will certainly be caused by inadequate sleep, but scheduling shifts thoughtfully can help avoid worker fatigue and protect the company from accidents and workers’ compensation claims.


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5 Reasons to Require Uniforms in Your Workplace

August 21, 2019 | 3,771 views

5 Reasons to Require Uniforms in Your Workplace
5 Reasons to Require Uniforms in Your Workplace

Uniforms have a role in bringing people together as recognizable outfits that distinguish a group by color and design. That’s why sports teams, schools, airlines, and many businesses use them. Who doesn’t know the bright striped colors and short-brim, train-conductor hats worn at Hot Dog on a Stick? Even if they are hideous, they are memorable in the minds of customers.

Encouraging customers to remember you for good things like service and quality is important, but uniformity in dress also has a positive impact on your business in several ways that create and build your company brand.


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Leveraging Your Team’s Skills on the Schedule

August 6, 2014 | 2,667 views

Leveraging Your Team's Skills on the Schedule

Leveraging Your Team's Skills on the Schedule

It’s enough of a challenge trying to get all your  covered on the schedule. Actually trying to leverage your employees’ skills on top of that? Who’s got time?

But imagine how wonderful it’d be to have a killer salesperson, an uber organizer, and a customer pleaser on every shift. By making a little effort now, you can make sure you showcase each of your employees’ strong suits whenever they work.


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How Nonprofits Schedule Volunteers with Employee Scheduling Software

March 26, 2014 | 3,721 views

How Nonprofits Schedule Volunteers

How Nonprofits Schedule Volunteers

Even if you don’t have many full-time or part-time employees at your nonprofit, you actually have a lot in common with companies that do. You likely have a small army of volunteers that keep you just as busy (if not more so) as paid employees would.


Let me guess: scheduling those volunteers is one of your top headaches. See? You do have something in common with for-profit companies with staff, after all!


Most nonprofits are strapped for time and money, and while you rely on your volunteers to alleviate some of the workload, sometimes it’s more stress to juggle their constant schedule changes.


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Keys to Selecting the Best Small Business Scheduling Software

October 25, 2013 | 9,946 views

Keys to Selecting Small Business Scheduling Software

Keys to Selecting Small Business Scheduling Software

Decision making is an essential small business leadership skill. It’s been proven time and time again that, as a small business owner or manager, if you can learn how to make timely, advantageous decisions, then you can lead you and your employees to ultimate success. Right here at ScheduleBase, we feel this same mentality applies when shopping around for all types of small business scheduling software and eventually choosing the best one for your operation.



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Should You Be Using Online Software?

October 11, 2013 | 21,401 views

Online Software

Online Software

Do you remember how long ago it was when the Internet made it imperative for businesses of all types to have a website, build a marketing presence and begin combining online strategies with traditional advertising methods? Better yet, do you have any idea when the idea of “smart” devices came into play requiring these same businesses to yet again re-think their way of reaching customers through the use of mobile websites and mobile apps? Since websites, smartphones and tablets have managed to become a required part of our daily lives, it’s no doubt that every single business owner, who wants to succeed anyway, knows the importance of not only online software, but also taking the steps to incorporate it into everyday business practices.


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10 Types of Employees You Want on Your Schedule

August 23, 2013 | 4,433 views

Hire the Right People

Hire the Right People

Suppose you own a small business. What kind of employees would you want working for you? What simple traits would you look for in each person to add to your schedule each week? At ScheduleBase, we venture to say chances are you would seek those that would make your business run more smoothly, minimize mistakes, lift morale and increase profits.



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Schedule Time to Improve Your Salon

August 12, 2013 | 4,801 views

Improve Your Salon Scheduling

Improve Your Salon Scheduling

Salons and spas have become a necessity these days, due to the increasing demand for self grooming and stress management. This same demand has also increased the need for an effective way to better manage salon employee schedules since these staff members are vital in serving clients walking through the door.


As it does with most businesses, employee scheduling has a very important place in the world of salons everywhere. There isn’t a salon manager out there who hasn’t felt the pressure of trying to find a last-minute stylist to fill a shift because of unexpected daily volume or unforeseen appointments.


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The Cause and Cure for Employee Scheduling Headaches

August 7, 2013 | 9,833 views

Post-It Note Link to Employee Scheduling Headaches

Post-It Note Link to Employee Scheduling Headaches

Did you know that employee scheduling headaches could have very well originated when the Post-it Note was first launched in the mid-eighties? Back then, before employers started relying on this small, 3-inch yellow square for a majority of their scheduling needs, people used Post-it Notes for a variety of different reasons. Whether it was for simple tasks at work, or in the home, they were found in every drawer and in every office. They were considered so handy because they could stick to things so you wouldn’t lose them and they would remind you of tasks to be completed. But, shall we venture to say that those same individuals probably never thought that little piece of paper would eventually transform the daily life of users across all nations and eventually affect the task of employee scheduling with employers and employees in offices everywhere.


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Employee Schedulers Hear Every Excuse

July 18, 2013 | 19,464 views

Employee Schedulers Hear Excuses

Employee Schedulers Hear Excuses

Did you have an employee late for work this morning? Or did you hire a recent team member who had a recent doctor’s appointment that was scheduled, but failed to mention it to you? As employee schedulers, even our best employees pull a good excuse from time to time. And while you secretly grin from ear to ear knowing you have caught this employee red-handed, it’s tricky to know exactly how to react or what to say. You may be short staffed, or the employee with an excuse is normally a perfect team member with no past absentees or problems. When you simply don’t know how to communicate or respond under pressure when an employee calls in sick, you probably respond with a hesitant, somewhat concerned statement of “That’s OK. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


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