5 Reasons to Require Uniforms in Your Workplace

August 21, 2019 | 3,754 views

5 Reasons to Require Uniforms in Your Workplace
5 Reasons to Require Uniforms in Your Workplace

Uniforms have a role in bringing people together as recognizable outfits that distinguish a group by color and design. That’s why sports teams, schools, airlines, and many businesses use them. Who doesn’t know the bright striped colors and short-brim, train-conductor hats worn at Hot Dog on a Stick? Even if they are hideous, they are memorable in the minds of customers.

Encouraging customers to remember you for good things like service and quality is important, but uniformity in dress also has a positive impact on your business in several ways that create and build your company brand.

1. They Make You Look Professional

Appearing well-put-together is much easier if a uniform is used. Company names emblazoned on shirts or hats help make customers feel more comfortable with an employee who is recognizable. Imagine an airline pilot who walks into the cockpit dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, or a doctor who shows up in his workout clothes—that doesn’t build trust. Experts or not, non-uniforms don’t make you appear organized and identifiable. It varies by profession, but even for retail workers, a simple, collared shirt with a logo or name tag on the front helps project a more professional persona that exudes trustworthiness and authority.

2. They Build Your Team

Uniforms, no matter the design, do help bond people together and create team spirit. When an employee identifies with a uniform and her work colleagues, it provides a sense of belonging that improves morale. Feeling part of a team is enhanced with uniformity in dress. If an employee feels part of your company, they will do more for you through increased loyalty toward team members and toward your brand.

3. They Advertise for Free

Employees usually wear their work clothes to and from work, so your brand is seen outside your store. Even better, if you have a retail-oriented business, you might even sell your company’s branded uniforms to customers. Just think of how many restaurants and bars sell their shirts to tourists or locals who frequent the place. This is an extra income stream that benefits your business with walking billboards; customers pay for it, so you win twice through increased revenue and brand exposure.

4. They Are Easier for Employees

Uniforms save time and money for employees. Whether you, the employer, must provide uniforms may be legislated in some areas, but even if you require the clothing to be worn and charge the employee for the uniform, it saves money for them. Employees don’t have to shop for, buy, and worry about a variety of work clothes. Knowing what to wear each day saves a lot of time getting ready.

5. They Create Uniformity

This may sound obvious, but uniforms are meant to be the same and create a sameness among employees. Because of this, they foster equality in the workplace, regardless of an employee’s social status, age, or gender. It brings employees with diverse personal stories onto one consistent level dedicated to productivity, not personal concerns. This solidarity and unity inspire a better work ethic with fellow employees.

Your company’s professional image is important. Uniforms help identify your company and service while inspiring teamwork and equality in the workplace. Even if uniforms are not necessary for the job, there are good reasons for requiring them that benefit employees, the company, and your customers.

Author Profile Jon Forknell is the Vice President and General Manager of Atlas Business Solutions, Inc., a software marketing company specializing in employee scheduling software, including ScheduleBase employee scheduling software, and other business software solutions. In the past, Jon has been recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration as a SBA Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Atlas Business Solutions was named as one of Software Magazine’s Top 500 Software Companies in 2004 through 2007, and 2010, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2018.   

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