5 Reasons to Move Your Scheduling to the Cloud

April 25, 2018 | 1,824 views

5 Reasons to Move Your Scheduling to the Cloud

5 Reasons to Move Your Scheduling to the Cloud

You’ve heard it time and time again. We’re living in a digital age and yet many businesses continue to use an analog process for staff scheduling. This process isn’t just antiquated; it’s also costly, burdensome, and unproductive. There’s a better way.


If you’ve hesitated to make the move away from paper and ink toward a digital method of scheduling, let us give you a push. Here are five reasons to move your scheduling to the cloud.


1. Anywhere/Anytime Access

If you’ve managed work schedules for any amount of time, you know how often things change. Shifts get switched around. People call in sick. Employees go on last minute vacations. There’s a lot to juggle.


With a pen and paper approach (or print outs), the only way for each employee to know her schedule is to either be in the office or to call in. With the cloud-based approach, the most recent schedule is available anywhere and anytime. This around-the-clock accessibility eliminates confusion and helps prevent you from being short-handed due to a scheduling oversight.


2. Be Both More Hands Off and More Hands On

Outdated scheduling methods require you to be completely hands on to the schedule. You plan out the schedule and make or approve changes as they come in. It’s a constant lift that steals your focus away from other, more productive, tasks.


By moving the schedule to the cloud, you’ll still be able to login and approve changes, but you can hand some of that responsibility off to your employees too. Letting employees check their own schedules means you can be more hands off. The constant accessibility means you can also be more hands on with the schedule, because changes won’t happen under the radar while you’re out of the office. It’s a smoother approach.


3. More Security

Do you have the latest schedule printed out in your office? What would happen if the most recent schedule got erased off your computer during a hardware failure? With an analog approach, you’re risking losing a lot of valuable information. In the cloud, you can keep that information more secure because it’s constantly backed up and available to view from anywhere 24/7/365.


4. Better Productivity

Outdated approaches to scheduling, such as drafting up a spreadsheet, take a good chunk of time. You have to manually make changes, make updates, and plan out shifts. It’s time-consuming.


By moving to a cloud-based online scheduling app, you can put together a schedule much faster because the platform is designed to keep you productive. You can save even more time, too, during the scheduling period, by having the ability to make adjustments faster and more efficiently. It’s an all around more productive approach.


5. Better Work/Life Balance

Managing your schedule shouldn’t haunt you when you leave the office every night. By having your schedule available at the tap of a finger, and the ability to make changes on the fly, you’ll be more at ease knowing your business is set up for success on the staffing front.


To the Cloud!

With the amount of information and processes that are digitized today, it only makes sense to move your scheduling away from analog and over to digital too. Are you ready to make the leap?



Author Profile Jon Forknell is the Vice President and General Manager of Atlas Business Solutions, Inc., a software marketing company specializing in employee scheduling software, including ScheduleBase employee scheduling software, and other business software solutions. In the past, Jon has been recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration as a SBA Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Atlas Business Solutions was named as one of Software Magazine’s Top 500 Software Companies in 2004 through 2007 and again in 2010, 2013 and 2014.

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