Monthly Archives: February 2022

Should You Hire a Boomerang Employee?

February 23, 2022 | 1,224 views

Should You Hire a Boomerang Employee?
Should You Hire a Boomerang Employee?

Hiring and training new employees are expensive and time-consuming. And these days, finding help is more difficult than ever as workers have more choices in where they work. It is a labor market that favors workers, not businesses.

In years past, it was unusual to hire back a boomerang (i.e., returning) employee because that person could easily choose to leave again. However, if you are shorthanded, rehiring an experienced employee who left seems less risky and less costly than finding a new person who needs training.


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Combatting the Great Resignation

February 16, 2022 | 783 views

Combatting the Great Resignation
Combatting the Great Resignation

The last two years seem to have dragged on forever. We’ve tired of masks and political rhetoric around health concerns, and our clients have endured hardship and loss while fighting the economic effects of a pandemic. And now, it is difficult to retain the employees we fought to keep employed.  

Wasn’t it just yesterday that employee retention was as simple as free lunches and ping pong tables? Ha—I’ve promoted those ideas, too. They can be helpful in many ways still, but today’s battlefield of employee retention is brutally unforgiving and expensive, especially for our smaller business clients.


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6 Staff Management Tips for Small Business

February 9, 2022 | 749 views

6 Staff Management Tips for Small Business
6 Staff Management Tips for Small Business

Effectively managing employees is not easy. And these days, it’s already difficult for most small businesses to find employees at all. Keeping them happy and useful for your business needs is a skill to develop. Even our smallest clients could benefit from these six tips for managing their staff.


  1. Be consistent. As you would expect, if you treat one employee differently than another, your staff will be disgruntled. If you are lucky, they will tell you. If you are unlucky, they will find ways to satisfy themselves at your expense. Avoid this with solid company policies. New employees will understand the rules of the game from the get-go, and everyone will understand your consistent expectations for behavior.
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3-2-2 Workweek Scheduling Could Be a Happy Combination

February 2, 2022 | 760 views

3-2-2 Workweek Scheduling Could Be a Happy Combination
3-2-2 Workweek Scheduling Could Be a Happy Combination

Over many years in the business of providing scheduling software options, we’ve seen organizations develop all kinds of business models and workforce schedules. Some clients sought flexibility; others had to modify their plans to accommodate a limited employee base.

With the meteoric rise in work-from-home (WFH) options, employers are discovering that a return to traditional hours is impossible. Employees simply are refusing to conform to pre-pandemic standards. Indeed’s list of work trends suggests that the 8-hour workday in the office (or at home) may become the 3-2-2 workweek.


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