Monthly Archives: January 2022

What Schedule Flexibility Looks Like in 2022

January 26, 2022 | 742 views

What Schedule Flexibility Looks Like in 2022
What Schedule Flexibility Looks Like in 2022

Wouldn’t it be great to have set shifts for every employee so that your operation remains constant and unchanging? No one would ever be sick or take a vacation day. Ever. Obviously, this idea isn’t realistic. Instead, more than ever, employee scheduling options are at the forefront of management tasks and employee demands. 2022 will be no different as the new year promises still greater demand for scheduling flexibility.


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6 Ways Cross-Training Improves Your Small Business

January 19, 2022 | 759 views

6 Ways Cross-Training Improves Your Small Business
6 Ways Cross-Training Improves Your Small Business

Cross-training employees provide benefits to both employers and employees. Instead of each employee performing only limited, specified functions, a cross-trained employee can fulfill another employee’s responsibilities if needed. But it is more than finding a worthy “fill-in” for a sick employee. Cross-training builds skills across the company and improves the value of all employees.

Employees become more valuable as they grow professionally and broaden their skill sets. As employees learn and understand others’ roles, they will be more collaborative. Stronger workplace relationships help build a stronger team of colleagues who work well together.


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Can Split Shift Scheduling Work for You?

January 12, 2022 | 561 views

Can Split Shift Scheduling Work for You?
Can Split Shift Scheduling Work for You?

A split shift is a scheduled shift that has a long interruption. It is easy to imagine a restaurant, for example, that schedules staff for lunch and dinner shifts to fulfill customer demand at peak times of the day. It gives an employee a break in the middle of two shorter shifts—the break is longer than a lunch break (often a few hours long). The practice allows managers to customize work schedules to fit times of higher demand without paying an employee for the slower hours between their two busy shifts.


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SaaS Solutions for Every Small Business

January 5, 2022 | 400 views

SaaS Solutions for Every Small Business
SaaS Solutions for Every Small Business

Even with the pandemic, 2021 brought nearly a million more small businesses to the US. From small retail to franchise locations, we see economic output growing despite some of last year’s initial predictions. As business opportunities grow rapidly, Software-as-a-Service (SaaA) applications have become go-to technology sources.

We provide one such service here at ScheduleBase for employee scheduling. As an online subscription service, we know we provide a simple and easy option for business leaders. Since every good leader must also be a technology leader, we believe SaaS fulfills valuable functions for small businesses.


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