Monthly Archives: January 2021

What the DOL’s Clarification of Travel Time Pay Means for Scheduling

January 27, 2021 | 816 views

What the DOL’s Clarification of Travel Time Pay Means for Scheduling
What the DOL’s Clarification of Travel Time Pay Means for Scheduling

The US Department of Labor (DOL) claims to “foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners…” As business owners and managers, we are all affected by DOL rulings on topics that impact our employees and, by association, our businesses. The policies and procedures we follow regarding hourly pay minimums, breaks and lunch schedules, and safety regulations originate with the DOL.


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Encourage Employees to Volunteer

January 20, 2021 | 802 views

Encourage Employees to Volunteer
Encourage Employees to Volunteer

Nearly one-third of Americans volunteer their time with formal non-profit organizations, and many more do so less formally. From classrooms to beach cleanups to coaching sports, you can see volunteer efforts throughout our communities. Generosity is one of our country’s positive attributes, and it permeates all ages and interests.

Volunteering has benefits for businesses, too. Volunteers are more engaged in their communities than non-volunteers. They participate more often in public meetings, elections, and civic development. If businesses can actively encourage employees to volunteer, those entities will receive various benefits in return:


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9 Ways to Reduce Overwork and Employee Fatigue

January 13, 2021 | 676 views

9 Ways to Reduce Overwork and Employee Fatigue
9 Ways to Reduce Overwork and Employee Fatigue

Since the onset of the coronavirus, workplace regulations and changes have been continual. Employees have been furloughed, brought back, ordered to work from home, and asked to cover extra hours or be on call. Now, emerging health rules, distancing, and mask-wearing make employees more stressed, too. There are fear and trepidation, both of which can be tiring day after day.


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4 Ways that Smart Scheduling Improves Employee Productivity

January 6, 2021 | 712 views

4 Ways that Smart Scheduling Improves Employee Productivity
4 Ways that Smart Scheduling Improves Employee Productivity

Productive employees are key to business success—those employees add value, create customer satisfaction, and use time efficiently. Usually, the most productive employees are those who stay healthy, are happy with the company and work, and balance home life effectively. As managers, we can help maintain these positive attributes so that our employees perform at their best level.


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