Monthly Archives: August 2020

3 Best Practices for Hotel Staff Scheduling During the Pandemic

August 26, 2020 | 1,045 views

3 Best Practices for Hotel Staff Scheduling During the Pandemic
3 Best Practices for Hotel Staff Scheduling During the Pandemic

Hospitality management can be a lot of fun. It exposes you to high rollers and lowbrow jokers. It presents dining experiences and travel deals. In large hotel chains, it can mean a solid career choice, too. But the industry has been especially hard-hit by the pandemic, leaving managing a hotel and staying profitable a day-by-day concern.

Hotel managers have always had a tough job, of course. Competition is fierce. Consolidation sites lower daily rates. Being on call 24 hours-a-day is exhausting. And with government-imposed restrictions, many hotels are finding themselves with inconsistent occupancy levels while striving to keep a healthy staff working.


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Is the 5-Day Work Week Dead to Me and You?

August 19, 2020 | 804 views

Is the 5-Day Work Week Dead to Me and You?
Is the 5-Day Work Week Dead to Me and You?

The longer we find ourselves with staggered work schedules, empty offices, and endless tele-meetings, it is harder to see the end of this great scheduling shift. When we catch up with friends or call family, the conversation inevitably turns to how we are coping, how we are working, and how we think the future might look.


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Why You Should Track Hours for Your Salaried Employees

August 12, 2020 | 655 views

Why You Should Track Hours for Your Salaried Employees
Why You Should Track Hours for Your Salaried Employees

Hourly employees track hours so they will receive accurate paychecks. For salaried employees, this is not necessary because they already know what their paycheck will be. But tracking all hours for employees is important. It will be beneficial for them and for your organization’s accuracy in records. Understanding the variability in employees’ routines is important to use their time effectively and to pay them appropriately.


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Scheduling Software Supports Flexible Work Schedules

August 5, 2020 | 1,036 views

Scheduling Software Supports Flexible Work Schedules
Scheduling Software Supports Flexible Work Schedules

We’ve heard so much about the “great pause” of 2020—this temporary reduction or shutdown of businesses and industry. Going forward means that there will also be a “great reset,” too. And when it comes to scheduling resets for staff, this is a good time to reimagine the possibilities for your business’s scheduling needs.

If the coronavirus’s impact on working has not yet been enough to force you into more flexible work schedules, there are plenty of other good reasons to offer flexible schedule options to your employees. Employees prefer flexibility for different reasons. Some may have medical issues that need regular attention. Others may want to pick up their children at school during the day. No matter the reason, your staff will be more satisfied when their schedules accommodate their personal needs.


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