Monthly Archives: May 2020

Keeping or Tossing Former Employees

May 27, 2020 | 960 views

Keeping or Tossing Former Employees
Keeping or Tossing Former Employees

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, unemployment made hiring qualified employees a challenge. It was a market where employees often found improved job opportunities elsewhere and then left a company to enhance their income and career growth. Few of these employees were interested in returning to their original workplace when things were good. Instead, hiring managers were left scrambling for good prospects to fill positions.


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Top Leader Traits that Employees Need Right Now

May 20, 2020 | 935 views

Top Leader Traits that Employees Need Right Now
Top Leader Traits that Employees Need Right Now

Google’s Project Oxygen research was developed to better understand how to make their own leaders better. Part of the company’s motivation came from data showing that a crappy boss is one of the top three reasons that employees leave a company. What makes a poor boss (lack of communication, inconsistency, and minimal team camaraderie) was then distilled into the good behaviors necessary to be better managers.


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6 Supportive Mental Health Strategies to Offer Struggling Employees

May 13, 2020 | 1,316 views

6 Supportive Mental Health Strategies to Offer Struggling Employees
6 Supportive Mental Health Strategies to Offer Struggling Employees

Mental health issues have increased in recent months. This should not be surprising as we negotiate unprecedented change. For your employees, the impact can take its toll in many forms: anxiety, depression, feelings of loneliness, sleep loss, domestic violence, and fear. Our current environment is affecting us all. For the first time in most lives, there are no tried-and-true answers to questions about future employment, education, economic recovery, and medical responses.


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5 Steps to Building A Resilient Staff

May 6, 2020 | 1,079 views

5 Steps to Building A Resilient Staff
5 Steps to Building A Resilient Staff

An article crossed my desktop a few months back about building a strong staff–a “tropophilic” workforce. Usually, tropophilic refers to plants that, like that lone tree on a rocky mountain crag, seem to thrive in the most precarious of places. The objective was to compare the tree’s resiliency to that of our staff’s ability to withstand difficult situations and still thrive.

Such a workforce would demonstrate specific traits and abilities—self-awareness, sustainable positive emotions, and the ability to prioritize among them. The idea is that those who can prosper in uncertainty demonstrate the resilience that serves themselves and the company well in tough times.


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