Monthly Archives: April 2020

How to Get Employees to Listen to Your Advice

April 29, 2020 | 962 views

How to Get Employees to Listen to Your Advice
How to Get Employees to Listen to Your Advice

Sometimes, it is hard to swallow the advice we are given. We tend to take advice from some and not others. We reject ideas one day that seem perfectly reasonable the next. And yet, when we manage people, we wonder why our employees don’t listen to our all-important suggestions. As a manager, this compounds our goals of coaching employees; beyond teaching a skill, we also look to counsel them on ways to improve their processes and how to work as a team.


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Why Employee Goodwill Matters Even More in an Emergency

April 22, 2020 | 1,088 views

Why Employee Goodwill Matters Even More in an Emergency
Why Employee Goodwill Matters Even More in an Emergency

Traditionally, goodwill refers to the intangible assets of the company. It could mean the value of a logo or brand, or the hard work an owner has put into building a company. A good reputation is something of value, for example, as are exceptional employees. Goodwill is easily recognized when a company’s asset value is x, but the company assets are sold for a higher amount, y. The difference is goodwill – the perceived value of the company is higher because of intangible good things that improve its value.


Are You Prepared to Ramp Up Your Business? Again?

April 15, 2020 | 1,086 views

Are You Prepared to Ramp Up Your Business? Again?
Are You Prepared to Ramp Up Your Business? Again?

Depending on your situation, this may seem like a thoughtless and far-off question. Oh, how we want to have everyone working and our businesses hopping, right? Normally, when business is quiet, managers hunker down to plan and forecast and ready themselves for growth and new possibilities. All that seems hard to imagine, at times, when the hunkering is enforced, and business fears abound.


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How to Schedule and Help Your Workers Who are Stuck at Home with Kids

April 8, 2020 | 1,626 views

How to Schedule and Help Your Workers Who are Stuck at Home with Kids
How to Schedule and Help Your Workers Who are Stuck at Home with Kids

Current staffing is particularly difficult right now. If you are considered a necessary category of business, the Coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic poses tough challenges when your employees have children out of school. For single parents, the challenge is particularly difficult if they have less family help.

Medical professionals are especially needed in-person at work right now. Clinic personnel and others in the face of a medical crisis are stressed. Their family needs with children at home pose costly choices about whether both parents can work. And if there is a single parent, options may be limited.


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