Monthly Archives: November 2019

6 Employee Scheduling Tips for the Holiday Season

November 26, 2019 | 1,080 views

6 Employee Scheduling Tips for the Holiday Season
6 Employee Scheduling Tips for the Holiday Season

It’s here already—the holiday hours dilemma. Some want more, some want less. Or worse, everyone wants hours or is clamoring for holiday time off. With a short shopping season, labor demands might be different than expected. Instead of four weekends after Thanksgiving’s long holiday, there are only three.

Fewer days means at least one limited asset—time. But it might also mean limited labor as employees squeeze in holiday parties and open houses. The puzzle of employee holiday scheduling demands some serious thought to keep everyone working at peak performance and to ensure a good season.


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7 Up-Selling Tips for a Short Holiday Shopping Season

November 20, 2019 | 1,122 views

7 Up-Selling Tips for a Short Holiday Shopping Season
7 Up-Selling Tips for a Short Holiday Shopping Season

The 2019 holiday season is a short one with fewer shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year, both online and physical stores have six fewer days to rack up sales. According to the National Retail Federation, this shopping season still represents 20% of the year’s sales, on average, for most stores. For some, it’s significantly higher.


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Should Your Non-Profit Close During the Holidays?

November 13, 2019 | 1,072 views

Should Your Non-Profit Close During the Holidays?
Should Your Non-Profit Close During the Holidays?

The holiday season is one filled with unusual attributes. There are celebrations, parties, and very full social calendars. Families have holidays scheduled, and children are home from school.

Deciding to close down during the holidays can be a difficult decision for a non-profit board to make. As much as each person might personally like the time off, leaders hesitate to leave the phone and turn off the lights. But if staff, many of whom are volunteers, are not as available to help, there may be fewer people to keep things going. 


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Word of Mouth Benefits in the Digital Age

November 6, 2019 | 1,248 views

Word of Mouth Benefits in the Digital Age
Word of Mouth Benefits in the Digital Age

Word-of-mouth marketing is like free publicity for your business if you provide a good product or service. Richard Branson called it the best and cheapest form of advertising, but what does it mean in the digital age?

What used to be conversations and recommendations shared among friends has migrated to digital platforms but are really no different than the praises or criticisms we’ve always shared. We tell stories about wonderful service and incredible products. Sure, it could be over lunch with a friend, but it also could manifest itself in an online post that thousands of people see.


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