Monthly Archives: September 2019

Manage Overtime Fraud with Intelligent Software and Internal Oversight

September 25, 2019 | 3,057 views

Manage Overtime Fraud with Intelligent Software and Internal Oversight
Manage Overtime Fraud with Intelligent Software and Internal Oversight

A driver stops on the way home to run errands while on the clock. An area manager is not on location to monitor employees coming and going. An hourly person who checks others’ timesheets is also padding her own hours. Employee theft can be costly, and labor is the costliest line on a P&L statement. Work hours and overtime must be carefully monitored to avoid excessive expense.


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Procrastination: Some Things Really Can’t Wait

September 18, 2019 | 4,042 views

Procrastination: Some Things Really Can’t Wait
Procrastination: Some Things Really Can’t Wait

“My ‘to-do’ list is so long,” I wail. How can I ever get it all completed? If you are a ‘doer’ like I am, the demands we put on ourselves can be overwhelming. The lists are long, the needs great, and numerous distractions tug at us every hour. As a result, sometimes the squeaky wheel does get tended while other more important things don’t receive the attention they deserve.

Sometimes, it’s easier to knock off ten small tasks rather than tackle the big one. But, as a business owner, we can’t procrastinate on those tasks that most contribute to our success in the long run. Some things really cannot wait.


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12 Break Room Design Ideas That Up Your Employees’ Game

September 11, 2019 | 2,976 views

12 Break Room Design Ideas That Up Your Employees’ Game
12 Break Room Design Ideas That Up Your Employees’ Game

We’ve all heard that highly engaged employees value a good time-out from their work. Being stuck at a workstation for 8 – 10 hours does not make a productive or happy employee. Employees know this and yet many do not take much time for themselves during a shift.

Developing and keeping highly engaged and productive employees takes many forms. Current trends include flexible hours, remote workspaces, exercise and health benefits. Some cost more than others and are not always feasible. But every employee should be taking a break. So how can you use breaks to your advantage? By creating an employee break room environment that allows real rest while fostering camaraderie and productivity. 


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How to Offset Minimum Wage Increases with these Tips

September 4, 2019 | 1,124 views

Retail businesses, like restaurants who employ dozens of hourly wage workers, face tremendous pressure as the city and state minimum wage increases. With labor a huge portion of expenses, how can a restaurateur deal with rising labor costs?

You’ve seen other eateries deal with this a few different ways. Some have increased menu prices; it costs more to get the food to the table, so this is a traditional way of maintaining profitability. Others have specifically added a clearly identified percentage to guest totals so that guests realize the increased cost legislation that dictates pay levels. And some businesses simply make do with fewer employees at the risk of reducing the quality of customer service.

