Monthly Archives: August 2019

Avoid Worker Fatigue with Intelligent Scheduling

August 28, 2019 | 1,199 views

Avoid Worker Fatigue with Intelligent Scheduling
Avoid Worker Fatigue with Intelligent Scheduling

The dangers of worker fatigue are very real. About 1/3 of the workforce works in shifts, many with rotating schedules. Nearly any location open 24 hours each day will rotate workers as needed to cover specialties and production for round-the-clock operations. Hospitals, police and fire, and manufacturing sites all need to schedule workers at non-traditional hours.

However, disrupting the body’s natural sleep patterns and circadian rhythms can wreak havoc on worker performance due to fatigue. Fatigue will certainly be caused by inadequate sleep, but scheduling shifts thoughtfully can help avoid worker fatigue and protect the company from accidents and workers’ compensation claims.


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5 Reasons to Require Uniforms in Your Workplace

August 21, 2019 | 3,771 views

5 Reasons to Require Uniforms in Your Workplace
5 Reasons to Require Uniforms in Your Workplace

Uniforms have a role in bringing people together as recognizable outfits that distinguish a group by color and design. That’s why sports teams, schools, airlines, and many businesses use them. Who doesn’t know the bright striped colors and short-brim, train-conductor hats worn at Hot Dog on a Stick? Even if they are hideous, they are memorable in the minds of customers.

Encouraging customers to remember you for good things like service and quality is important, but uniformity in dress also has a positive impact on your business in several ways that create and build your company brand.


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5 Reasons to Host a Company Picnic or Event

August 14, 2019 | 2,313 views

5 Reasons to Host a Company Picnic or Event
5 Reasons to Host a Company Picnic or Event

As a small business owner, it is hard to throw a party. Finances are tight, we spend a lot of time with those people already; and the big reason? It all comes out of profits. We pay for it all. Every penny. And it’s probably on a day off when we’d rather be watching a baseball game.

But we should do it anyway, and here’s why.


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Walking Boosts Productivity, So Get Outta Here

August 7, 2019 | 1,086 views

Walking Boosts Productivity, So Get Outta Here
Walking Boosts Productivity, So Get Outta Here

If you are like most people, you probably feel that nagging, mid-afternoon slump at work when you just can’t get much done. It’s worse if you need to start a new project and can’t begin to create ideas of how to get going. Maybe you reach for an iced coffee or a snack to get you going, but there is a more productive solution: go for a walk.

We all know that exercise has physical benefits, and walking might help avoid overindulging in candy and caffeine, but there are more than physical benefits—a short 15-minute stroll can stimulate your brain and jumpstart ideas for your next great accomplishment too.


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