Monthly Archives: March 2019

How to Create a Time-Off Request Process for Your Team

March 27, 2019 | 7,913 views

How to Create a Time-Off Request Process for Your Team
How to Create a Time-Off Request Process for Your Team

Everyone occasionally wants or needs some time off from work responsibilities. And sometimes the requests come all at once — especially during holidays and busy seasons. Manage your staff’s time-off requests fairly and clearly to avoid staff shortages and have employees return to work happy from their days off. Set up a clear request process for hourly employees that everyone understands while keeping a few key points in mind.


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3 Business Tips for Auto Service Companies

March 20, 2019 | 1,283 views

3 Business Tips for Auto Service Companies
3 Business Tips for Auto Service Companies

Highly-rated businesses, no matter the industry, share some common attributes. Their reputations remain positive because they care greatly about providing quality work with integrity at a fair price. True success occurs when a company does all that well.

A search for auto service companies found hundreds within a few miles. There is clearly significant competition among car care companies, but many customers drive in for the first time because a shop is nearby. So while location may play a role initially, word-of-mouth recommendations help to develop a customer base by focusing on a few key


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How to Manage HR in a Small-Medium Business in a DIY Environment

March 13, 2019 | 1,374 views

How to Manage HR in a Small-Medium Business in a DIY Environment
How to Manage HR in a Small-Medium Business in a DIY Environment

Big companies can afford larger, internal HR departments because it is cost-effective to maintain an internal group of specialists. But often, this cost savings doesn’t exist for small and medium-sized businesses. For them, the daily burden of all personnel-related functions falls on the owner or general manager.

If this describes your organization, then the DIY method of human resource management is a necessary evil for you. With fewer employees, you can’t justify hiring an HR professional. Still, you need to handle human capital management, scheduling, and payroll and tax functions.


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3 Rookie Scheduling Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

March 6, 2019 | 1,822 views

3 Rookie Scheduling Mistakes You Don't Want to Make
3 Rookie Scheduling Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

You can’t be everywhere at once when your business is doing well, so you decide to bring on some help. However, if you’ve never managed staff before, you may quickly learn that it’s not always easy to keep everyone happy with scheduling. To get the most out of your new employees and make them want to stick around a while, avoid these three rookie mistakes in scheduling your employees.

1. Not Including Employee Input on Hours

If you’re just getting started, be sure to listen carefully to your employees’ preferred schedule when hiring. Flexibility and work/life balance have become very important to nearly all employees.


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