Monthly Archives: January 2019

How to Increase Your Productivity Without Going to Great Lengths

January 30, 2019 | 4,052 views

How to Increase Your Productivity Without Going to Great Lengths
How to Increase Your Productivity Without Going to Great Lengths

Perhaps one of the most inspiring CEOs of our time is Peter Shankman. One of his cornerstone accomplishments is Help A Reporter Out (HARO), a business that became an almost overnight success and was acquired in less than two years by Vocus, Inc. But recently he’s turned his focus elsewhere — on telling his story about being a productive CEO with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).


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How to Gain Buy-In For New Technology and Processes at Your Non-Profit

January 23, 2019 | 1,502 views

How to Gain Buy-In For New Technology and Processes at Your Non-Profit
How to Gain Buy-In For New Technology and Processes at Your Non-Profit

The two biggest challenges for businesses today, which are trying to embrace the rapid momentum into a digital world, are over-reliance on legacy technology and internal resistance. That’s according to a 2018 survey by Vanson Bourne.

Buying into new tools and adjusting processes that have been in place for years is uncomfortable. As humans, we’re naturally resistant to change and actively avoid the discomfort that goes along with forming new habits. The end result is that we stay stuck in our current patterns never making necessary adjustments to outdated processes.


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Getting Organized in Your Professional Life Starts With Personal Organization

January 16, 2019 | 4,538 views

Getting Organized in Your Professional Life Starts With Personal Organization
Getting Organized in Your Professional Life Starts With Personal Organization

January tends to be the time of year when many people start talking about how to get organized and become more productive at work. Because you collaborate with colleagues day in and day out, the office seems like the natural place to start your organization efforts.

While professional productivity is important, getting productive and organized requires you to form new habits. To be successful, you’ll need to adopt these habits both inside and outside of the workplace. Because of this, we argue, you should focus on personal productivity instead of focusing on professional productivity. Here are three changes you can make to get more done at home and in business.


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4 Time Management New Year’s Resolutions for a More Productive 2019

January 9, 2019 | 5,022 views

4 Time Management New Year’s Resolutions for a More Productive 2019
4 Time Management New Year’s Resolutions for a More Productive 2019

Is becoming more productive one of your New Year’s resolutions? If so, you have a good mindset going into 2019. Still, that kind of broad-brush resolution isn’t concrete enough to lend you real results. You must get more specific and concrete with what that increased productivity will look like for you.

If you want to be a better manager of your time in 2019, here are four New Year’s resolutions you can make now to help you reach your goals in the year ahead.


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