Monthly Archives: November 2017

What If Managing Your Schedule Wasn’t About Managing Your Schedule At All?

November 29, 2017 | 1,928 views

What If Managing Your Schedule Wasn't About Managing Your Schedule At All?

What If Managing Your Schedule Wasn’t About Managing Your Schedule At All?

When you think of schedule management, you probably think you’re balancing time. You’re juggling your assets (your people) with the responsibilities that need to be fulfilled. To an extent that’s true, but what if managing your schedule isn’t really about managing your schedule at all? What if it’s about more than that?


In essence, it is. Time management has more to do with what you schedule rather than when you schedule it.




Should You Really Unplug During the Holidays?

November 15, 2017 | 2,064 views

Should You Really Unplug During the Holidays?

Should You Really Unplug During the Holidays?

It’s tempting isn’t it? To turn your phone to airplane mode during your holiday feast and keep it that way while you clean up, unwind, and relax with the people you love? Absolutely it is. And if you look to a few experts, this time away from work is also healthy.


But there’s a different point of view that might not be considered. In fact, it might make you more stressed out and overwhelmed the more you unplug from your work during the holidays.



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How to Avoid Burn Out in Your Nonprofit This Holiday Season

November 8, 2017 | 1,867 views

How to Avoid Burn Out in Your Nonprofit This Holiday Season

How to Avoid Burn Out in Your Nonprofit This Holiday Season

‘Tis the season to feel blessed, thankful, and downright stressed out. Unfortunately, the message of gratitude we’re hearing so loud and clear this time of year falls on deaf ears when our schedules fill up. Add in fewer volunteer hours and more vacation time taken by your team, and you have a recipe for fatigue worse than the tryptophan hangover you’re sure to experience during Thanksgiving.


If you feel like you’re on the edge of burning out, here are some tips that can help.


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How Long Should a Lunch Break Be?

November 1, 2017 | 2,231 views

How Long Should a Lunch Break Be?

How Long Should a Lunch Break Be?

Does this surprise you? A recent survey by Right Management found that less than 20 percent of Americans regularly leave their desk for a midday meal. That means only one in every five workers are actually getting a break during their workday, despite what labor laws require.


Does that sound similar to what you’re doing in your company? If so, it might be time to consider how long your lunch breaks really should be and what you’re doing to encourage your employees to get the mental breaks they need throughout the day.


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