Monthly Archives: August 2017

Reshaping Your Nonprofit Communications for the Digital Era

August 30, 2017 | 1,853 views

Reshaping Your Nonprofit Communications for the Digital Era

Reshaping Your Nonprofit Communications for the Digital Era

You do exceptional work at your nonprofit. You have a mission of helping others and making the world a better place, but to fulfill that mission, you need the support of others. You need your staff to continually push your cause forward. You need your volunteers to be engaged. And, you need your community to come out and participate in any way they can. All of this requires a solid communication plan.



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How to Lead When Neither Rewards Nor Consequences Motivate

August 23, 2017 | 1,945 views

How to Lead When Neither Rewards Nor Consequences Motivate

How to Lead When Neither Rewards Nor Consequences Motivate

There are two standard ways of motivating employees:


1. Offer incentives, or rewards, for hard work;

2. Design consequences for those who don’t meet their goals.


It’s the classic carrot and stick scenario, but is it effective? Not always.


Many employees shrug their shoulders at rewards these days thinking that they’re more expected rather than an honor to receive. And many employees get demotivated by consequences, wondering why they should even try if they won’t get any kind of recognition or appreciation for their hard work.


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How Do You Treat Your Employees When They Get Sick?

August 16, 2017 | 1,933 views

How Do You Treat Your Employees When They Get Sick?

How Do You Treat Your Employees When They Get Sick?

It’s hard to imagine anything quite as life changing as hearing a doctor tell you that you have cancer. Questions about survival, treatment side effects, and downtime from your job and the activities you love, swirl through your mind. The last thing you need to worry about is being harassed and punished by your employer for undergoing what you need to combat this vicious disease and get back to where you were before it attacked your body.



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Are You Wasting Your Time on the Wrong Tasks?

August 2, 2017 | 2,095 views

Are You Wasting Your Time on the Wrong Tasks?

Are You Wasting Your Time on the Wrong Tasks?

How do you map out your workday? If you’re like most people, you jot down notes in a planner or on post-its with everything you need to accomplish throughout the day. Then, you check things off as you go, hoping to tackle them all but knowing that distractions will creep in, so you might not be able to get to everything.



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