Monthly Archives: July 2017

The Biggest Changes We’re Seeing in the HR Industry

July 26, 2017 | 2,017 views

The Biggest Changes We're Seeing in the HR Industry

The Biggest Changes We’re Seeing in the HR Industry

Like any industry, the HR industry sees its share of ebbs and flows. Trends arise and, as they do, some stay on shore while others flow right back out with the tide.


This year, we’ve seen a few changes that we’re convinced will last – at least in the foreseeable future. These changes are important for the future of HR departments across the board.


Here are the biggest new trends we’re seeing hit the world of HR.


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Should You Sugarcoat Your Performance Reviews?

July 19, 2017 | 1,898 views

Should You Sugarcoat Your Performance Reviews?

Should You Sugarcoat Your Performance Reviews?

It’s tempting, isn’t it? You’re face-to-face with someone who could stand to hear a little bit of constructive criticism, but you don’t want to come right out and say what went wrong with his or her performance. So, you choose the sandwich method instead. You tack on something nice to the front end of your statement, throw in the awkward critique in the middle, and then finish up with another nice comment. The goal is to make the person feel good, or sugarcoat the criticism a little bit, so that they’re not demotivated.


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How to Plan a Fundraiser Without Pulling Your Hair Out

July 12, 2017 | 1,556 views

How to Plan a Fundraiser Without Pulling Your Hair Out

How to Plan a Fundraiser Without Pulling Your Hair Out

Do you look at your fundraiser events and cringe thinking about the amount of work you have to put into make it a success? Many organizers do, but it doesn’t have to be that way.


Fundraisers don’t have to cause headaches to be a success. The key to bringing in big money is to enlist the help of a team of people and there’s a right way to go about doing so. Instead of putting out a blanket ask, here is another process you can follow to help you plan a fundraiser without pulling your hair out.


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5 TED Talks About HR That We Love

July 5, 2017 | 1,878 views

5 TED Talks About HR That We Love

5 TED Talks About HR That We Love

If you haven’t heard of them yet, TED Talks are simply talks with “ideas worth sharing.” These talks tend to incorporate technology, entertainment, and design (TED) but they hit home on a deeper level. Many of these talks discuss how we can use these attributes to live better lives, work better at our jobs, and be better people all around.


Here are five of our favorite TED Talks about HR that we believe are worth your time to listen to.



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