Monthly Archives: February 2017

How to Overcome an Employee’s Resistance to Change

February 22, 2017 | 1,832 views

How to Overcome an Employee's Resistance to Change

How to Overcome an Employee’s Resistance to Change

Do you know what’s scary? Change. People regularly sprint from the idea of doing things differently because it feels uncomfortable. It means shaking up the normal routine. It means creating new habits. Change is hard work, but it’s also necessary – especially when it means a long-term benefit to your business.


If you’re ready to adopt new systems in your business, you’re going to need to get your team on board with the discomfort of change. Here are a few steps to ease into a new routine, new piece of technology, or new standard in your company.


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Could You be Guilty of Having an Unintentional Weight Bias?

February 15, 2017 | 1,684 views

Could You be Guilty of Having an Unintentional Weight Bias?

Could You be Guilty of Having an Unintentional Weight Bias?

“So you hired me because I’m the fat girl?” That’s a quote from the hit TV series, This Is Us. On the show, you get a behind-the-scenes look at one of the character’s lifelong battles with her weight. This struggle comes out during her job search as she is convinced she was hired for a new job because she is overweight.


Although the show is fictional, the bias is not. Overweight women in particular face discrimination in the interview process, according to a recent paper by Plos One, a journal with original science and medical research reports.


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5 Things You Can Do Today to Be a Better Manager Tomorrow

February 8, 2017 | 1,848 views

5 Things You Can Do Today to Be a Better Manager Tomorrow

5 Things You Can Do Today to Be a Better Manager Tomorrow

The Boy Scouts motto of “always be prepared” can easily translate to the management spectrum. Preparation is key when it comes to reducing stress and improving office morale. It gets your mindset in the right place so when you walk into the office each morning, you set the tone of a productive, enjoyable workday.


Sounds great, but how do you make this happen? Here are five things you can do today to be a better manager tomorrow.



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4 Types of Technology to Simplify Your HR

February 1, 2017 | 2,107 views

4 Types of Technology to Simplify Your HR

4 Types of Technology to Simplify Your HR

The world of HR is constantly in flux these days. New technology is regularly released to make your job as a business manager simpler. Even with all of the new options available to you, do you know which types of technology you need? What tools will make your job easier?


Here are four types of HR technology to simplify your to-do list so you have more time to focus on the more complex non-administrative tasks in running your business.



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