Monthly Archives: January 2017

Is the Winter Sucking Your Employees’ Productivity Levels Dry?

January 25, 2017 | 1,981 views

Is the Winter Sucking Your Employees’ Productivity Levels Dry?

Is the Winter Sucking Your Employees’ Productivity Levels Dry?

Short, dark, and dreary. That pretty much sums up the cold winter days ahead. The cheer of the holidays have passed and now your team is counting down to warmer temperatures and longer daylight hours. It’s this time of year when productivity plummets and people need an extra boost of inspiration to get work done.


Here are a few things you can do to help your team combat cabin fever while in the office and stay on top of their productivity game.



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Are Your Annual Employee Surveys Giving You the True Picture?

January 18, 2017 | 1,905 views

10 Mistakes Small Businesses Make That Are Costing Them Productivity

10 Mistakes Small Businesses Make That Are Costing Them Productivity

Let’s hit the rewind button and go back 30 years ago to a time when employee turnover was only 4%. Most of the time when an employee left a business three decades ago, it was involuntary.


Now, let’s jump back to today where employee turnover is over 10% and people are leaving businesses more freely. This type of turnover has put a tremendous burden on employers making it harder than ever to manage simple HR tasks, such as payroll, scheduling, and more.



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10 Mistakes Small Businesses Make That Are Costing Them Productivity

January 11, 2017 | 2,028 views

10 Mistakes Small Businesses Make That Are Costing Them Productivity

10 Mistakes Small Businesses Make That Are Costing Them Productivity

Looking back on 2016, are you happy with how much you accomplished? Or are you surprised by how fast the year went by without reaching your goals?


This year, make it a goal to be productive. The first step in doing so is stopping productivity-zapping habits. Here are 10 that are common among small business owners.


1. You Sit Too Much

Think the number of hours you’re logging behind your desk is ratcheting up your productivity? Think again. Giving your eyes, ears, and mind a break from work is healthy and can be just the refresher you need to produce more.


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4 Risks to Take in 2017

January 4, 2017 | 1,920 views

4 Risks to Take in 2017

4 Risks to Take in 2017

Are you naturally risk averse? If so, you’re not alone. It’s scary to make a big change and even scarier to think about the consequences of what could go wrong.


Still, it takes a risk to watch your business grow and your team succeed. As we enter a New Year, it’s a good time to make strategic changes to your business and that requires taking small, calculated risks.


Here are 4 risks we encourage you to take in 2017 to help your business grow.



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