Monthly Archives: April 2016

How to Put an End to Email Overload

April 27, 2016 | 2,031 views

How to Put an End to Email Overload

How to Put an End to Email Overload

When was the last time you left a meeting thinking, “what did we actually accomplish in there?” Chances are, that’s a more common thought than you’d like to admit.


Meetings are notorious for being time wasters but did you also know they’re stealing from your employee’s productivity? Here’s how.


The Analysis Paralysis Trap


In decision making meetings, you need to walk away with a resolution to make your meeting worthwhile. Still, while people are brainstorming and putting on their thinking caps, they’re also deepening their risk of falling into the analysis paralysis trap.


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Are Meetings Destroying Your Employee’s Productivity?

April 20, 2016 | 2,293 views

Are Meetings Destroying Your Employee's Productivity?

Are Meetings Destroying Your Employee’s Productivity?

When was the last time you left a meeting thinking, “what did we actually accomplish in there?” Chances are, that’s a more common thought than you’d like to admit.


Meetings are notorious for being time wasters but did you also know they’re stealing from your employee’s productivity? Here’s how.


The Analysis Paralysis Trap


In decision making meetings, you need to walk away with a resolution to make your meeting worthwhile. Still, while people are brainstorming and putting on their thinking caps, they’re also deepening their risk of falling into the analysis paralysis trap.


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How to Hold on to Millennial Employees

April 13, 2016 | 1,951 views

How to Hold on to Millennial Employees

How to Hold on to Millennial Employees

As more and more Millennials flood the workforce, more managers look for ways to keep this generation of employees happy. In the past, higher wages were the way to make people stay with your firm. Today, things are a little different. Millennial employees demand more from their employers to be happy in the workplace.


Here are a few ways you can increase your chances of holding on to your Millennial employees.


Use Technology Wisely



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5 Tips to Improve Your Exit Interviews

April 7, 2016 | 1,737 views

5 Tips to Improve Your Exit Interviews

5 Tips to Improve Your Exit Interviews

Exit interviews are one of the most challenging parts of a manager’s job. As difficult as it might be to admit, something went wrong along the way and now you’re down one team member. This doesn’t have to be a negative experience though. Here are five ways you can improve your exit interviews to get more insight into how you can improve your workplace and keep your team happy.


1. Keep an Open Door Policy



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