Monthly Archives: March 2016

What’s Distracting Your Employees at Work?

March 30, 2016 | 2,208 views

What's Distracting Your Employees at Work?

What’s Distracting Your Employees at Work?

You hire the best employees with high hopes that they will be focused, productive and consistently on task? You might be out of luck, according to a study by psychiatrist Dr. Ned Hallowell. The most intelligent people are easily distracted at work.


So what is causing the workforce to become more distracted? And how often are the intelligent people getting their attention torn away from their work? recently surveyed 10,000 workers in 17 different countries to find out just how distracted people are. The results? Employees are distracted once every three minutes on average.


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School’s Out for Spring Break: How to Help Parents With Work/Life Balance

March 23, 2016 | 1,941 views

School's Out for Spring Break: How to Help Parents With Work/Life Balance

School’s Out for Spring Break: How to Help Parents With Work/Life Balance

One of the hardest parts about being a working parent is losing out on time with the kids. When school gets out for spring break or summer, parents are caught in a bigger struggle. They’re forced to find babysitters or take time off from work.


As an employer, you might notice this internal struggle come out in job performance. An employee worried about her kids at home is not focused on work. She’s focused on her family.



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Working With Volunteers: How to Manage Their Schedule Fairly

March 9, 2016 | 2,090 views

Working With Volunteers: How to Manage Their Schedule Fairly

Working With Volunteers: How to Manage Their Schedule Fairly

It’s one of the biggest assets a person can give – their time. Volunteers are a special breed of people and as an organization, you want to respect their donation.


On the other hand, you need to make sure you have enough manpower to accomplish your goals. This can often pose a difficult dilemma as you try to balance your volunteer’s valuable time with your organization’s needs. This can be tricky.


Here are a few tips to help you manage your volunteer’s schedules fairly.


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Is It Time for a Serious Shakeup in Your HR Department?

March 2, 2016 | 2,085 views

Is It Time for a Serious Shakeup in Your HR Department?

Is It Time for a Serious Shakeup in Your HR Department?

Is your HR department ready for a shakeup? That’s the view of one Forbes contributor who says that most HR departments are ready for massive change.


The premise behind the claim is this: The HR department is often the one that stays stagnant in their standard modes of operation. This department rarely sees significant change.


Still, it’s the HR department that get hands on with all employees. This is the department that interacts with every single person you interview, hire and fire. It’s the one that gathers the bulk of the employee feedback and handles sensitive situations.


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