Monthly Archives: February 2016

6 Reasons to Hire Veterans

February 24, 2016 | 1,923 views

6 Reasons to Hire Veterans

6 Reasons to Hire Veterans

There is a 7.2% unemployment rate among the men and women who served in the U.S. Armed Forces since 200,1 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is an alarmingly high number given the benefits associated with hiring such high-qualified team members for your business.


If you’ve wondered whether hiring a veteran is the right move, here are six reasons why you should bring a former serviceman on board with your business.



  1. You Get a Natural Born Leader Working for You

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Potential vs. Performance: How to Get More Out of Your Employees

February 17, 2016 | 2,055 views

Potential vs. Performance: How to Get More Out of Your Employees

Potential vs. Performance: How to Get More Out of Your Employees

Have you noticed some of your top performers slacking off lately? The problem might not be disenchantment with your business. It might be a lack of motivation to live up to their full potential.


Here are a few ways you can maximize your employee’s performance.


Show Respect for Effort


Too often, the only rewards managers give are for end results. Although it’s important to have goals and to reward when those goals are met, the effort shouldn’t be overlooked.


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How to Vet New Employees and Avoid Potential Bad Hires

February 10, 2016 | 3,628 views

How to Vet New Employees and Avoid Potential Bad Hires

How to Vet New Employees and Avoid Potential Bad Hires

It’s a situation every business faces – hiring. Although it’s so common, it’s one of the most unnerving parts of managing a company. You need someone who will fit in well with your current company culture. You also need someone who you can onboard quickly to fill in any gaps in your workflow.


Learning how to vet new employees doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are a few questions to ask yourself so you can avoid making a bad hire.



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5 Signs Your Employees Are Thinking of Quitting

February 3, 2016 | 2,247 views

5 Signs Your Employees Are Thinking of Quitting

5 Signs Your Employees Are Thinking of Quitting

You love your business but it turns out, your employees might not be as passionate about seeing you succeed. It’s understandable too. They’re the ones who deal with the stress of daily customer interactions. Although they love what they do, they’re not invested in the company’s overall growth in the same way you are.


For a manager, this thought is frightening. What would you do without your best employees? What would you do if someone (or a handful of people) quit?



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