Monthly Archives: April 2015

5 Ways to Use Content to Market Your Brand

April 29, 2015 | 1,941 views

5 Ways to Use Content to Market Your Brand

5 Ways to Use Content to Market Your Brand

“Content” is one of the hottest buzzwords in the marketing world right now – and for good reason. The information your brand puts on the market can drive sales. On the contrary, your silence can stifle your growth.

If you’re still wondering how you can use content to build your brand, here are five easy ways to get started.

  1. Create a Blog Series.

Blogging is perhaps one of the best types of content you can use to promote your business. It’s helpful for your website visitors. It’s helpful for search engines. And, it provides an easy way to drive traffic back to your website from emails and social media.


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5 Signs an Employee Deserves a Promotion

April 22, 2015 | 2,576 views

5 Signs an Employee Deserves a Promotion

5 Signs an Employee Deserves a Promotion

As a manager, one of the hardest jobs you’ll ever have to do is select a person to promote. What if you choose the wrong person? What if you disrupt the positive atmosphere in the workplace?


There’s a lot that goes into deciding which employee deserves a promotion. With facts and a keen eye for the details that matter, you can choose the best person to promote.



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Why Multitasking Doesn’t Work

April 15, 2015 | 2,212 views

Why Multitasking Doesn’t Work

Why Multitasking Doesn’t Work

It’s a common struggle. You have a lot on your plate and feel pulled in multiple directions, so you try to tackle multiple tasks at once. You watch your inbox while you write a report for your boss. You sip your coffee, listen in on a phone conference, and send an internal office message to your colleague across the hall. Or worse, you try to whittle down your inbox while you drive.


Multitasking is more than just unproductive – it’s downright scary.



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The Cost of Employee Lateness to Your Business

April 10, 2015 | 5,612 views

The Cost of Employee Lateness to Your Business

The Cost of Employee Lateness to Your Business

How tolerant are you about lateness in your business? Is it normal for a few of your employees to show up 15 minutes to half an hour late for their shift?

Tardiness at work doesn’t seem like a big deal. You might just give your employee a slap on the wrist and say, “don’t do it again.” Or, if you’re a little stricter about it, you might decline your employee a promotion. If the problem persists, you’re doing yourself more of a disservice by not taking swift action to stop the tardiness in its tracks. That’s because there is a cost above and beyond that lost time.


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