Monthly Archives: June 2014

Should You Pay Minimum Wage or More?

June 24, 2014 | 2,487 views

Should You Pay Minimum Wage or More?

Should You Pay Minimum Wage or More?

Minimum wage. It’s a great debate in our country, and one that isn’t going away any time soon. Whether you’re in the restaurant industry, tourism, or any other that hires unskilled labor or entry-level positions, you’re probably wondering whether you should stick to minimum wage or pay more.


First, a Look at the Current State of Minimum Wage

The national rate for minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour. Your state may also have its own minimum wage. In California, it’s $8 an hour. That is subject to change with legislation as the government works to ensure that all employees make enough to pay their bills.


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Just How Many Small Business Owners Are There?

June 17, 2014 | 4,076 views

Just How Many Small Business Owners Are There?

Just How Many Small Business Owners Are There?

When you’re busy running your own small business, you often don’t look up to take stock of what’s going on in the bigger picture of small businessdom. But you’re far from alone as an entrepreneur.


Currently, there are about 28 million small businesses in the US. And these small businesses account for 65% of the new jobs created since 1995.


Pretty impressive!



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6 Signs It’s Time to Hire Additional Staff

June 10, 2014 | 2,917 views

6 Signs It's Time to Hire Additional Staff

6 Signs It's Time to Hire Additional Staff

As a business owner or manager, you’re keen to keep costs down, and that means you’ve been running pretty lean in the staffing department. But if you’re at the end of your rope and swamped, it may be time to go ahead and hire more people to help relieve the workload of you and your team.


Here are 6 warning signs that you need to hire more help right this instant!



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Atlas Business Solutions’ ScheduleBase Launches New Mobile App and Website in Response to Customer Demand

June 4, 2014 | 6,147 views

ScheduleBase Mobile App

ScheduleBase Mobile App

In an effort to meet customer requests, employee scheduling software ScheduleBase recently launched a new mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as a new mobile website.


ScheduleBase, developed by Atlas Business Solutions, facilitates communication between managers and staff, anywhere, anytime. Staff can indicate availability from any browser or mobile device. When a schedule is posted on ScheduleBase, all staff are instantly notified by text message and email.


The new mobile website incorporates key employee scheduling functions, including:



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5 Tips for Hiring Your First Employee

June 3, 2014 | 2,993 views

5 Tips for Hiring Your First Employee

5 Tips for Hiring Your First Employee

So you started out as a solopreneur, and you successfully grew your fledgling business. Now you’ve got more work than you can handle, and you can finally afford to hire your first employee.


Congratulations! Your work is about to get easier, now that you’ll have help. But first, it’s important to set up processes and strategies to maximize your success as a new employer.



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