Monthly Archives: April 2014

Reducing Turnover in any Industry

April 23, 2014 | 3,247 views

Reducing Turnover

Reducing Turnover

High turnover, common in retail and restaurants, not only causes the headache of you having to replace staff whenever they quit, but it also costs you money. Research shows it costs you about half of what you spend on an hourly employee’s salary to find a replacement, interview them, manage the paperwork, and train them.


So how can you keep your employees? Here are some tips for reducing turnover.



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6 Reasons You Should Delegate More

April 16, 2014 | 2,752 views

Start Delegating Today

Start Delegating Today

Let me guess: you do everything in your business. You make the sales calls. You take orders. You buy inventory and even make the coffee. But have you ever stopped to consider whether doing it all was actually good for your business? Here are 6 reasons it’s not, and 6 reasons you should hand the keys over to someone else.


1. You’re Not Good at Everything

I’m sorry to be the one to tell you: you’re not successful at everything you do. Some things you do well, while others you’re only doing a mediocre job on. Do you really want anything related to your business to be mediocre?


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How to Use Content Marketing Effectively

April 9, 2014 | 2,807 views

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

For many entrepreneurs, marketing is just one of many tasks they take on. The problem is: many of them don’t use it effectively. Take content marketing. How regularly are you writing blog content or whitepapers? How are you amplifying your content on social media and other channels?


Don’t have the answers? This post will help.


First, Understand Your Strategy

Before you even lift a finger to write any content, you need to have a solid understanding of what your strategy is. For most, it’s to educate their audience and hopefully reach new contacts who will turn into customers.


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Why Employees Quit

April 2, 2014 | 3,104 views

Why Employees Quit

Why Employees Quit

In a utopian world, your best employees would never leave you. They’d stay with your company until you closed it down.


In reality, that’s not happening. The fact that 18-44 year-old employees change jobs on average 11 times in their careers tells you that you’d be lucky to hang onto someone for even a year. But knowing the reasons why employees leave can help you make changes that — hopefully — will make them stick around a little longer.


Are You Pushing or Pulling?

According to a Catalyst study, employees leave their jobs because of either push or pull factors:


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