Monthly Archives: July 2013

Employee Scheduling Tricks You Should Be Using

July 23, 2013 | 32,748 views

Employee Scheduling Tricks

Employee Scheduling Tricks

A small business manager can spend hours in front of an Excel spreadsheet building employee schedules weeks in advance. In fact, some managers are so amazing at this method of employee scheduling that they can schedule staff that aren’t even hired yet! They know who they need. They know when they need them. And, they know how long they need them for.


Knowing your employee schedule and being prepared for what will come is a lot easier than not knowing. Knowing in advance you have routine full-time shifts to schedule, several part-time hours to cover, an employee or two with flexible needs, seasonal employees with limited availability and last-minute requests to accommodate is a lot easier than flying by the seat of your pants.


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Employee Schedulers Hear Every Excuse

July 18, 2013 | 19,464 views

Employee Schedulers Hear Excuses

Employee Schedulers Hear Excuses

Did you have an employee late for work this morning? Or did you hire a recent team member who had a recent doctor’s appointment that was scheduled, but failed to mention it to you? As employee schedulers, even our best employees pull a good excuse from time to time. And while you secretly grin from ear to ear knowing you have caught this employee red-handed, it’s tricky to know exactly how to react or what to say. You may be short staffed, or the employee with an excuse is normally a perfect team member with no past absentees or problems. When you simply don’t know how to communicate or respond under pressure when an employee calls in sick, you probably respond with a hesitant, somewhat concerned statement of “That’s OK. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


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Managing Young Employees with Employee Engagement

July 11, 2013 | 3,602 views

Managing Young Employees

Managing Young Employees

If you picked a career path in retail, food service, or almost anything these days, there is a great chance that you have a few employees of a younger generation where strong employee engagement is necessary. A younger employee fills key hourly positions and takes the load of off many employee schedulers in various small business industries by providing flexible availability, a “want-to-work” attitude and an eagerness to earn extra money.



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Quick Tips for Better Small Business Productivity

July 8, 2013 | 4,313 views

Small business productivity is crucial for success

Small business productivity is crucial for success

Small business organization and productivity is crucial to  success. For a small business to run efficiently, the owner and employees need to have a strong understanding of operations, systems, scheduling and overall expectations. In most small businesses, there’s always some point in time where constant demands, paperwork and deadlines start to wear you down.


When working within your small business, you may begin to overlook some critical things that people from outside your business notice immediately. Here at ScheduleBase, we are reminding you of a few quick and easy tips to organize your small business today and provide for a better work experience overall for you and your employees.


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